Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Miles! It's good to see you again. Come in," Maddie greets him enthusiastically as she holds the door open. While he walks through the doorway and further inside the living room, his eyes quickly scan the place. Bridget and Ayra are sitting on the floor, with Ayra doing henna tattoos on her hands.

"Hi, Miles," Ayra says, flashing him a smile.

"Hi. Did I show up at the wrong time? Are you all getting ready for something?" Miles asks, looking around at the scattered atmosphere.

"Not at all. Ayra does the best henna, so we asked her to paint our hands. That's it," Maddie says, just as she notices his eyes searching for someone. She begins to speak but is immediately cut off by a loud squeal and the porch door being burst open, before an overjoyed Juliet rushes through it, her mouth set in the biggest grin and her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Guess what happened? You all can't believe what happened!" Squealing in the middle of the room, she doesn't even notice Miles standing a few steps behind her as she waves her hands with keen eagerness while trying to explain the reason behind her sudden outburst.

"The guy came back!"

The awaiting looks on their faces culminate in a set of eye rolls, even though that doesn't diminish her enthusiasm in the slightest.

"I can't believe they just brought him back to life just like that. My whole world ended when he died. I haven't cried like this in ages. And then he reappears! Like, is this some kind of sick joke? Why did I waste all my precious tears then? These writers deserve hell, I swear, for playing with our emotions like this. But... after all, he's alive and they are going to have a happy ending. I'm so happy. Oh, my heart! You all don't know what you're missing out on. This is literally one of the best dramas I've ever..." A shriek leaves her mouth as she suddenly steps on a water bottle and is about to fall on her back when Miles instinctively lunges forward and holds her in time.

Shocked, Juliet turns her head, her back still pressed against his chest. As she grasps the moment after a while, her lips widen in a goofy grin.

"Oh hey! You look like someone I know. Did we meet before?"

"I guess so. You escaped from this zoo I work at. I came to pick you up," Miles says, putting on a serious face before slightly rolling his eyes.

Maddie lets out a chuckle, walking towards the girls who are entertained by Juliet's antics.

"Stupid," Juliet says with a side-eye.

"This is how you hurt yourself all the time."

"Excuse me, I didn't put this bottle here." Then her face lights up in an instant as she remembers something, "By the way, do you want to watch a drama with me? I asked all of these boring people here..." she points dismissively towards the girls, "They don't want to. But I know you would not be like that. Because, after all, you are my man," she says, smiling as she wraps her arm around his.

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