Chapter Eight

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Miles takes a look at the clock followed by a sigh as he leans back on the headboard. Reid, lying on the other side of the bed, upside down, senses a steady motion causing the mattress to jiggle and realizes what's behind it.

"Stop bouncing that leg before I put you under the bed instead." He snaps and goes back to his phone.

A minute later, it starts again.

He shuts his eyes in frustration, "Can you just go somewhere else and continue your earthquake leg shaking? I'm trying to do some makeup on my cat here."

"Sorry." Miles apologizes, checking the time once again.

"You seem restless." Reid comments after a while, eyes still glued to the phone.

"Uhm... I'm fine."

The doorbell rings, making Miles get off the bed quickly as he rushes toward the door. He takes a moment and composes himself before plastering his usual somber face on. As he opens the door, his eyes find Juliet, flashing her smile bright as always. She's dressed up differently today in a white below the knee dress and her hair left open.

"You're fifteen minutes late." He says as a matter of fact.

Juliet guilty-smiles as she casually gets inside, "I fell asleep. Sorry!"

Forty minutes into them studying, Reid comes out of Miles' room while calling his name out loud.

When his eyes meet Juliet's, confusion crosses his face just for a moment as he tries to remember if he knows her. He finds the books and notes scattered on the table and it finally clicks in. Miles did tell him about tutoring a girl. He understands this is probably the Juliet Miles talked about although he decides to play around.

"Wow, Miles!" He claps his hands dramatically and sits on the single chair adjacent to them, "I can't believe you just left your friend alone out there for a girl. I asked you to bring me a Cheetos and you didn't even do that! You left me hungry..."

Miles rolls his eyes, "Stop this nonsense already."

Juliet seems slightly confused even as she watches the two of them bickering with each other in a lighthearted manner.

"Don't mind him." Miles tells Juliet, "He is crazy."

"Now I am crazy?" Reid looks at him with widened eyes, pretending disbelief. "Remember when you were a dumb kid sitting alone in the playground with no friends, it was me who asked if you'd like to play hopscotch with me. Even though you sucked at that game, I kept being friends with you."

A humorous laugh seeps out of her lips just as his eyes shift to her.

"Hi, I'm Reid by the way." He says to Juliet in a sweet voice, a smile lingering on his face. "I'm his-" he briefly points at Miles, "...Ex best friend."

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