Tigers Don't Need Underwear

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Four Years Later
Troian's Pov

I awaken to the chirpy sound of my alarm. I groan and turn it off, wanting to stay in bed. 5:00am is way too early. But then, I remember what the alarm is for. Today is the first day back on the set of Pretty Little Liars after a two-month break over the summer. I jump up out of bed, suddenly filled with energy for some reason. Not energy. Excitement.

Even though it was so nice to have a relaxing summer without call times like 5:45am, I'm eager to get back to work. Although, I'm sure that when those long days of filming start go through the night and into the next morning, I'll be a little less eager. However, one thing makes those early mornings and long nights so much better. Actually, makes everything better. My beautiful little girl.

Which reminds me, after I shower, I need to go wake that little monkey of mine up. She's been coming to set with me ever since she was a little baby, and everyone there loves her. If I'm filming a scene, there's always someone that will happily volunteer to look after her until I'm done. But I do have to say, she is a very well behaved girl. She would just sit to the side and watch a scene being filmed if no one entertained her. Or she would go find someone and entertain them by doing something like singing a made-up song or dancing to music in her own head. Although she's a mommy's girl and can be shy at times, once she gets to know you, she really comes out of her shell. One moment she'll be hiding behind my legs, and the next she'll be running around the room trying to get everyone to chase her. I always say that she's my free spirit.

I undress and get into the shower, letting the hot water pour down my body. After shampooing and conditioning my hair, I get out and wrap a fluffy towel around myself. Before getting dressed, I put my hair into a smaller towel so it can dry.

I walk down the hallway toward my daughters room, my hair brushed and my clothes on. I slowly push open her door, revealing the lavender coloured walls and white furniture of my four year olds room, made visible by the dim white light from her night light.

I go and open her curtains, then walk to her bedside. She sleeps peacefully in her bed, the blankets pulled up high. She looks so tiny curled up in her double bed. I sit down lightly on the edge of the mattress and place my hand gently on her shoulder.

"Aspen," I say her name softly "Time to wake up." She rubs her eyes slowly, then suddenly turns to face me.

"Are we going to your work today mommy?" She asks excitedly. I smile and nod.

"Yes, we just need to get you ready, then eat breakfast." I tell her. She sits up quickly and gets out of her bed, rushing toward her bedroom door.

"Aspen wait!" I call to her, laughing "You need to get dressed." She turns around and runs over to her closet, pulling the doors open. I turn on her light, then join my daughter at her closet to pick out her outfit for today. We settle on a grey romper with yellow polka dots, and I take it off the hanger to give to Aspen.

"Go get some underwear first." I say to her. Lately, Aspen has been practicing getting dressed all by herself. Today is September 14th, and her birthday was on August 29th, so she just turned four less than a month ago. Time sure does fly.

Aspen strips down into nothing, leaving her Frozen pajamas in a pile on the floor. She takes the clean pair of underwear and puts them on, although not correctly.

"Those are on backwards, you silly girl!" I laugh as I pick her up and lift her above my head, blowing on her bare stomach and creating the sound that all kids love. She squeals with laughter, squirming and wriggling around. I lay her down on the bed and begin to tickle her, making sure to get her ribs. That's Aspen's most ticklish spot.

Troian Bellisario: Just Me & My GirlWhere stories live. Discover now