Happily (N)ever After

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Troian's Pov

I drive down the highway toward Keegan's house. Max left about fifteen minutes after we kissed, only because there were still a few things I wanted to ask him. Before I left, I called and cancelled Keegan and Aspen's appointment for the paternity test. There's no need for it anymore. But even though Max and I are both positive that he's Aspen's dad, we booked an appointment for a paternity test, just to settle things once and for all.

As I pull into Keegan's driveway, an immediate anger boils inside of me. I had calmed down during my talk with Max, the topic of him being Aspen's dad distracting me from thinking about Keegan's cheating. But now that I'm here, parked in his driveway, it feels as if I'm living the moment that I found out all over again. I march up to the front door and knock loudly, trying to keep my emotions in check.

Keegan opens the door, looking surprised "Oh, hey Troian. I was going to-"

"How could you!" I cut him off "Did you think that I wouldn't find out? I thought you loved me, Keegan!"

"What are you talking about?!" He asks.

"Don't pull that bullshit with me you know exactly what I'm talking about." I scoff "Mira's pregnant with your baby." His eyes widen and his face pales, his lips pressing into a firm line.

"Troian, I swear I can explain." He says pleadingly.

"Explain what?" I snap "That you're a lying cheater who never even loved me?"

"Look I know how it seems but you have to let me explain." He begs "Please just-"

"No Keegan, I'm not going to listen to your stupid lie of an excuse!" I yell.

"You don't even know the truth!" He screams back "You can't just believe the first thing you hear!"

"I didn't hear it, I saw it!" I shout "She's clearly pregnant!"

"That's not what I mean Troian!" He yells "If you'll just listen to what I have to say then maybe I can explain everything to you!" I just stare fixedly at him, debating what I should do.

"Fine." I mutter angrily.

We walk into the living room, Keegan sitting down on one side of the leather couch, and me on the opposite.

"Okay, first off I want to say I'm sorry for not telling you." Keegan says.

"I don't want to hear your apology." I reply "I don't even know why I agreed to listen to your explanation."

"Will you fucking stop it Troian!" He screams "You're treating me like shit!"

"Oh and you're not?!" I shriek "You're the one who cheated on me, Keegan."

"I didn't cheat on you!" He yells "You would know that if you let me explain!"

"Bullshit, Keegan." I scoff "That's bullshit. She's pregnant! Mira's pregnant with your baby, and you're trying to tell me that you weren't cheating on me? God, why am I even here!"

"I don't know, but maybe you should just leave!" He screams "Because clearly you're not going to let me explain!"

"Go ahead! I'm waiting." I say impatiently. He takes a deep breath before talking, trying not to sound angry.

"Mira is five months pregnant. We've only been dating for two. This was before you, Troian." He says with annoyance in his voice. My mouth goes dry as the words leave his mouth, and I realize that I don't know how to reply. Luckily, Keegan keeps talking.

"We never dated or anything, it was a one time thing." He explains "Mira wanted to make it work, but by then, I had already realized that I liked you. But when she told me she was pregnant, I obviously couldn't just ignore her anymore, I'm the one that got her pregnant. Since then, we've only talked to discuss things about the baby. Child support, custody, things like that. I'm not interested in her, Troian. I'm interested in you." I swallow the nervous lump in my throat, still unable to reply. If he's telling the truth, then I'm the one who's wrong.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask shakily "Did you think you could keep this a secret forever?"

"No." He replies quietly "I just didn't know how to tell you yet. But trust me, Aspen and the paternity test are my main focus right now."

"Well they shouldn't be." I say quietly "I cancelled the appointment."

"W-what?" He stutters.

"I cancelled the appointment." I say again "You're not her dad." He stares at me like I sprouted another head.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" He yells "You don't know that I'm not her dad!"

"Yes I do Keegan." I reply "I met Aspen's dad today. He remembers everything from the night of the party."

"Did it ever occur to you that he could be lying?!" Keegan shrieks.

"Of course it did." I say "But Aspen looks so much like him. I'm sorry, but I really believe it's him, Keegan." He looks lost for words, almost heartbroken.

"But p-people say Aspen looks like me." He stammers "You said she looks like me."

"I thought she did," I reply "But after seeing Max...I realized that it has to be him." He stares at me with a pained expression, and I have to look away.

"I wanna talk to this guy." Keegan says. I just shake my head.

"No, I'm not going to let you freak out at Max just because you're mad." I say "That's not fair on him."

"Why are you defending him, Troian?" He asks angrily.

"Because he did nothing to deserve being yelled at by you." I retort.

"Who says I'm going to yell at him?" Keegan says defensively.

"Oh come on Keegan," I scoff "You and I both know that you're not going to congratulate him on being Aspen's dad."

"You don't know for sure that he's her dad!" He yells.

"That's why we scheduled an appointment for a paternity test, just for closure." I reply, trying not to yell.

"Oh so you cancelled mine for his?!" Keegan angrily asks.

"That's not what meant." I sigh "We're only doing the paternity with Max for closure, just to finally settle things. You know, have proof of who Aspen's dad is." Keegan stares down at his lap, and I don't know if I'm just imagining things, but I swear I see a tear drip from his eye.

"Has Aspen met him?" He asks quietly, not looking up.

"No, they haven't actually met." I reply just as quiet "But they've seen each other." An awkward silence settles over us, and for some reason, I can't stand it. I don't know why, but I suddenly get the urge to say something that I know will make things even more awkward.

"I kissed him." I mutter quietly "I kissed Max."

Now Keegan looks up, although it doesn't make me feel better "You what?"

"I kissed Max." I say again, trying to hide my quivering lip.

"What the hell Troian!" He yells "So you're actually the one cheating on me!"

"You're the one that slept with another girl and got her pregnant!" I retort.

"That was before I dated you!" He yells angrily.

"I didn't know that at the time!" I scream "You sleeping with another girl is way worse than me kissing another guy!"

"So you kissed him to get back at me?" Keegan questions.

"No, that's not why." I reply.

"So you actually have feelings for him?" He asks.

"No!" I defend myself "I don't exactly know why I kissed him, I just did. I'm sorry Keegan." He slowly shakes his head, looking at me like I'm a monster. Before I can say anything else, Keegan stands up off the couch and walks out of the room, muttering something as he does.

"I need a break."

The loud slam of the front door is immediately followed.

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