Oh Son of Mine

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Two Days Later
Troian's Pov

I walk out of Theo's room after getting him dressed, to hear yelling coming from down the hallway. It's clearly Keegan's voice, although I'm not sure who he would be yelling at. Besides Theo and I, the only other person in the house is Aspen, but she's downstairs watching cartoons. Although I know Keegan wouldn't be yelling at her, especially not the way he is at the person right now. Slowly, I open our bedroom door, lifting Theo higher on my hip. Keegan paces by the sink in the ensuite bathroom, his face red and a phone pressed against his ear.

"You can't do this!" He screams, yelling into his cellphone "And you know you can't, so stop pretending like you're gonna get away with this!"

I walk over to him, gently placing my hand on his shoulder. He quickly shrugs it off, walking to the other side of the bathroom.

"There's no fucking way I'm allowing it!" Keegan yells angrily into his phone, his entire face flushed. Before I get a chance to try and calm him down, he throws his phone onto the ground. The call immediately ends, the screen shattering against the tile flooring. It's silent except for Keegan's heavy breathing, which is shaky as if he's about to cry.

"Hey..." I sigh, reaching forward with my arm that's not holding Theo and taking Keegan's hand "What's going on babe?" He runs his fingers through his hair and bites his lip, holding back tears.

"Mira," He chokes out "Mira's taking Lukas to Minnesota."

"What do you mean?" I ask gently "For how long?"

"Forever." He says "She's moving there with him."

I shake my head "She can't do that without your permission Keegan."

Biting his lip anxiously, he answers in a shaky voice "I'm so stupid."

"No you're not, don't say that." I tell him.

He just shakes his head "Yes I am, Troian. I should've done something about custody over Lukas. Mira and I never went to court for it, we didn't want to complicate things. We were fine just agreeing with when I got Lukas and when she did, we didn't see the need to have court regulations on it all. But I should've pushed to have some kind of custody over him, I should've done it long ago. Now, Mira can up and move anywhere she wants with my son and I can't do anything about it."

"W-we can do something about it." I stammer "We won't let this happen. You'll take Mira to court before she does anything and you'll get custody over Lukas."

"I can't do that." Keegan says quietly.

"Why not?" I question, switching Theo to the other arm.

"Because, I'm scared that if I tell her that I want to get some custody over Lukas, she'll just leave before I actually do." He replies, his voice cracking.

"Well, you don't have much of choice other than that." I say quietly "In order to get custody, you'll need to tell her about it so you two can discuss it in a courthouse."

"I know." He sighs "I just don't want Mira to take off with him before I get the authority to do anything about it."

"That won't happen." I try and say as convincingly as possible "We're going to do everything we can to prevent it."


Two Hours Later

"Mom!" Aspen calls from the playroom "Theo keeps taking my toys!"

"I'll be right there, just keep him happy for a little longer please." I half beg as I finish cleaning up Aspen's juice that Theo knocked over.

"But Mommy it's my new fairy toy that Lucy got me!" She whines "I'm trying to take it from him but he won't let go!"

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