Daddy Duties

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The Next Morning
Keegan's Pov

"Alright Aspen, breakfast is ready!" I call, scooping some scrambled eggs onto Aspen's plate.

"Yayyyyyy!" She yells, running into the kitchen with Ella at her heels "Is there watermelon?"

I bend down to her height, staring directly into her crystal blue eyes "You bet, Princess."

We sit down at the table, Aspen immediately going for a slice of watermelon. I laugh as she bites into it, looking satisfied.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I ask her, scooping up a bite of hash browns.

"Hmmm," Aspen replies "Can we go to the park?"

"Sure, if that's what you want to do." I tell her. She smiles happily, looking excited. We finish up our breakfast, then after I help Aspen get dressed, we get ready to leave. I get Aspen and Ella into my car, before pulling out of the driveway and heading for the park.

I turn on the radio to break the silence, and Justin Bieber's 'What Do You Mean?' fills my ears. I reach forward to change the station, personally not a fan of Justin's, but stop when I hear Aspen singing along.

"When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no!" She yells loudly "What do you mean? When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go!"

"Wow Asp," I laugh "You know all the words to this song."

"Because it's my favourite." She replies, immediately going back to singing. If Aspen likes Justin Bieber, then I guess I don't mind listening to him. Only for her though.

I pull into the parking lot and help Aspen out, who immediately runs toward the very familiar playground. I walk over to a bench, Ella's leash in hand. I watch Aspen play for a few minutes, before a man that looks to be in his early thirties walks up to me.

"Is the girl in the pink jacket your daughter?" He asks, pointing to Aspen.

"My girlfriends, but go on." I reply.

"Oh, well I suppose you wouldn't know where her boots are from then? My wife's been hounding me to buy our daughter a pair, but I have absolutely no clue where to find them." The man explains.

"No, I'm not sure where they're from." I laugh "Sorry."

"Oh no problem man." He replies "I just thought I'd check. You know, surprise the wife with something other than forgetting to do the dishes again."

"Just take the boots," I say sarcastically "It sounds like you need em' more than I do." The man chuckles, sitting down on the bench beside me.

"I'll figure something out." He says "And I didn't catch your name. I'm Ryan."

"Keegan." I reply. I look over at the playground, wondering something as I do. Is this what it's like to be a parent? Does Troian strike up conversations with other moms at the park? I have to admit, I kind of like it.

"You said the little girl is your girlfriends daughter?" Ryan asks, talking about Aspen.

"Yeah.'s complicated." I reply.

"Wait," He says confusedly "So she's not your girlfriends daughter?"

"No she is." I confirm "She just also might be my daughter." I honestly don't know why I'm telling this to a man who's practically a stranger, but it doesn't feel weird.

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