Bubble-Bath Eating Baby

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A Year & 3 Months Later
Troian's Pov

"Here's your juice Aspen." I say as I hand my now five-year-old daughter a plastic cup of cranberry juice "And can you bring this to your brother?" I give her a bottle of warm milk as she nods. I finish making the lasagna and set the pan in the oven, before walking into the living room. Aspen sits on the couch beside Keegan, who's holding our baby boy as he tiredly sucks on his bottle. Our son, Theo Alexander Allen, was born eight months ago on September 19th. He has Keegan's eyes, dirty blond hair, and a personality that can light up a room. Theo is constantly smiling and laughs at almost everything, although he is pretty stubborn when it comes to naps. I would already consider him an extrovert, especially for being only eight months old. Our little man has changed our lives for nothing but the better.

"What do you say, some good old Dragon's Den?" Keegan asks as he looks through things to watch on Netflix. Aspen nods eagerly, making me laugh. We always all watch this show together, which surprises me considering it's about entrepreneurship and business deals. Contestants present their businesses in front of the 'dragons', which are really just rich business owners. If the contestants are lucky, the dragons will buy into a percentage of their business, which promotes and helps them in the long run. Maybe it's just the relaxed, open style of the show, but Aspen loves watching it. I always joke that she'll be an entrepreneur one day.

After a couple episodes of the show and Theo falling asleep on Keegan, the timer beeps for the lasagna. I excitedly stand up and rush to the kitchen, Ella jumping up off her bed and following at my heels. I take the pan out of the oven and bring it to the dining room table, along with the bowl of caesar salad from the fridge. Aspen and Keegan come and sit down, Theo still asleep in Keegan's arms. He gently rubs his back and bounces him lightly to wake him, which works quite effectively. Theo lifts his head from his Dad's shoulder, his eyes wide and blonde hair tousled.

"Hi sleepyhead." I say, chuckling at how confused he looks. He just leans his head back on Keegan's shoulder, closing his eyes.

"Don't go back to sleep buddy," He laughs "I normally wouldn't wake you up from a nap, but we're having your favourite; lasagna. That and if you keep sleeping now, you won't ever go to bed tonight." He kisses Theo's forehead before placing him in his highchair. I put a few cut up pieces of lasagna on his tray, spreading apart so it cools faster.

"Can I have more juice Mommy?" Aspen asks sweetly.

"What happened to the juice you had earlier?" I ask.

"I drank it all." She replies with a shrug. I just laugh, before pouring her yet another glass of cranberry juice. We all start eating our food, Theo seeming to get more on his face then in his mouth. It'll be bath time for both the kids after dinner.

"This is delicious Troian." Keegan says after swallowing a bite of lasagna "We should have this more often."

"Yeah, we should have it everyday!" Aspen exclaims.

"Thanks," I smile "But I think having lasagna everyday would be too much." She just shrugs, shoving another forkful into her mouth. I chuckle, looking at the sauce smeared on both of my kids faces. Theo has it nearly up to his elbows, using his hands to grab pieces of lasagna. But hey, you're only a baby once.

After dinner is finished, I go upstairs and run the kids a bath. Aspen loves bath time with her brother, she thinks it's funny when he hits the water and splashes himself, which causes him to laugh. It is pretty cute.

"I've got one of 'em." Keegan says as he walks into the bathroom holding Theo "But I can't seem to find the other." Aspen sits on his foot with her arms and legs wrapped around his leg. She chuckles as Keegan takes another step, his foot practically dragging on the floor.

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