Daddy = ?

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Troian's Pov

I drive on the highway toward my dad's house, my mind clouded from my new discovery. It's all I can focus on. These past four years I've been wondering who my child's father is, but is it possible that it's the man I've seen almost everyday for years? That all my searching was pointless because he's been right in front of me all along?

As I stop at a red light I try and calm myself down. Just because Aspen's eyes are extremely similar to Keegan's, that doesn't mean he's her father. Maybe if I compared their eyes side by side, they would actually be different shades of blue.

The light turns green, and I start driving again. As much as I try to focus only on the road, I can't. How can I when all I can think about is the fact that my daughters father may be my long-time coworker? Even though our characters on Pretty Little Liars are lovers, Keegan and I have never shared a romantic relationship. We're strictly friends. Just the same as my relationship with Ian or Tyler, or anyone else on the show for that matter. Just because our characters are together, that doesn't mean we are. Keegan and I aren't dating, but it turns out we may have a daughter together.

I sigh as I pull into my dads driveway. I am of course excited to see Aspen, but just nervous to see her eyes because of my new suspicion. What if they match Keegan's exactly?

It's not that I don't want Keegan to be her father. It's not that I'm hoping it's someone else. It's just that I thought it would be a stranger, not someone that I see almost everyday. I'm not saying that I wish Aspen's dad was a stranger, I just feel it would be easier if it wasn't someone I see all the time. If Keegan does turn out to be Aspen's dad, then it will change so much between Keegan and I. Can you imagine finding out your child's father is one of your best friends?

I walk up to my dads front door and knock, trying to think about something other than Keegan.

"Hello Troian." My dad says as he opens the door.

"Hi dad." I reply, walking inside.

"You seem..." My dad starts "Distracted. Is everything alright, honey?"

"Yeah," I say a little too quickly "I'm fine." I try and make myself believe it.

"Would you like anything?" My dad asks "Tea? Coffee?"

"No thanks, I just wanna get heading home. I'm tired." I lie "Where's Aspen?"

My dad looks confused "Aspen?" He says "Why would I know where Aspen is? But you should really bring her over here more often, you know." I just stare at him for a second.

"You should know where she is because I dropped her off here a few hours ago. This isn't funny." I say sternly.

"No you didn't Troian. I just got home from work only about twenty minutes ago." My dad replies.

"Dad! I'm really not in the mood for this right now." I half-yell "Please just stop. Whatever joke you're trying to play on me isn't funny."

"I'm sorry Troian, but you must be confused." My dad says "Aspen hasn't been here today."

"Yes she has! I dropped her off here before I went to Ashley's, I know it!" I demand.

My dad just shakes his head "I've been at work all day. Aspen's not here, Troian."

I look around me, waiting to see Aspen watching Tv or playing with her toys. I dropped her off here, I swear. I drove to my dads before Ashley's, didn't I?

I look at my dads concerned expression. If Aspen's not here, then where the hell is she?

Troian Bellisario: Just Me & My GirlWhere stories live. Discover now