Baby Talk

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The Next Day
Troian's Pov

"Aaaaand action!"

I start delivering my lines as Spencer, doing my best to remember them after having such little time to practice. Keegan is in the scene with me, although it doesn't seem to be what he's focusing on. I finish my line, waiting for Keegan to start his. He does, reciting the first part of it perfectly. But soon, his voice starts to trail off and eventually gets so quiet that no one can hear him anymore.


Keegan runs his fingers through his hair, his whole body tense. I walk up to him, studying him carefully.

"What's up?" I ask, knowing he didn't just forget his line.

"I can't focus." He replies, pulling me aside and eyeing everyone watching us. Talking quiet enough that no one else can hear, he continues "I can't stop thinking about Mira taking Lukas away."

"That's what I thought," I say "But it's getting figured out, the court said they're going to contact her."

"I know," He sighs quietly "But what if she doesn't pick up, what if she won't answer?"

"I don't know, but you don't need to think about that unless it actually happens." I try and convince him. He looks nervously at the crew around us, not saying another word. Marlene walks up to us, looking at Keegan worriedly.

"Everything okay?" She questions softly.

"Yeah, I guess." He sighs.

"Well do you need a few minutes to go over the script?" Marlene asks.

"No, I know my lines." Keegan replies "Let's finish the scene." Without another word, he walks away from us and back over to his mark. After exchanging a glance with Marlene, I too go back to my mark.

The scene gets finished smoothly on the next try. As soon as the director yells cut, Keegan walks out of sight without a single word. I briefly hesitate to follow him, but can't help myself after a few seconds. I catch up to him just as he opens his dressing room door, and quickly step inside before he shuts it. When Keegan looks at me with tear-filled eyes, I find I'm lost for words.

"What if I don't get custody over Lukas?" He asks desperately "How will I see him on a regular basis?"

"Hey, you're going to get custody." I tell him "Don't worry."

"Don't worry!?" Keegan snaps "How am I supposed to not worry about this? My son is being taken half way across the country and there's nothing I can do about it!"

"Okay, that's not what I meant!" I say defensively "But Mira's not going to win, she's not taking Lukas anywhere."

"You don't know that." He replies quietly "They could be on a plane right now as we speak."

"They could be," I agree "But they're not, they're still here in LA."

"How do you know?" Keegan questions.

"Well, I don't really." I admit "But I highly doubt that Mira's anywhere but here."

"And if she's not?" He asks "If she's on a plane right now with my son, what happens?"

"God, I don't know Keegan!" I sigh frustratedly "I'm just trying to make you feel better."

"I know, and thanks." He apologizes "But I think the only thing that'll really make me feel better is getting custody over Lukas." I pull him into a hug, not saying anything for a moment.

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