Fact no.8: Rosquillas are always the answer

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There's no better way to start your day than a morning jog. Or at least that's what I think.

And there's no better way to jog than at the seaside.

I wake up extra motivated today to begin my run. I put on a pair of sports leggings, a tank top and some running shoes, my headphones which already blast with my favorite music, a small sling bag with my phone and some money and make my way outside. I take my favorite route today, the one that goes on the beach, then a turn right to the town nearby and then through the town back to the house.

The moment I start running, bits from the conversation with Coin last night flash through my head.

"And you think that for me is damn easy?", he said.

I almost want to puke on spot.

He's the one who broke me. He's not the one who had to spend months and months crying, to be able to heal themselves.

He's not the one who had to walk in on-

He's not the one who has it hard.

I almost didn't notice the time passing by as I arrive in town. It's a town at the suburbs of Barcelona, that has the peace and quiet the big city can't offer. I go along the streets and to my favorite café. It's one in the square opposite the city hall. I always go there to buy the best rosquillas. They taste better than any donut I have ever had.

As I step inside, the woman at the counter already recognized me and smiles bright.

"Linda", Carmen says, using the nickname she has for everyone. "You're back."

I smile and come closer to her. She's already ditched the counter and rushes to hug me.

"Of course I am back", I say as I am in a tight hug, that barely lets me breathe. "I missed your rosquillas too much."

She smiles and pats me on the shoulder before she lets go: "I have made some a few minutes ago. They're fresh from the oven."
With that line, I smile bright and she disappears in the kitchen. I wait patiently for my goodies in front of the counter.

As Carmen comes back, she's holding a big bag filled with the donuts.

"I thought Kai and your parents might want some too", Carmen says. I swallow hard.

"My parents couldn't make it this year", I add. Carmen gasps.

"Oh, linda, I am so sorry."

"Yeah, they had to spend the time working. Dad's team has a pretty busy season coming up."

"I bet", Carmen says smiling. She knows just how much Dad loves his team.

"And, are you two all alone in that big house or have you brought a plus-one?", she asks and smirks. "You know, maybe a hot looking guy to make the weather seem even hotter?"

I almost choke on the nothing in my throat. "Carmen?!"

"What? You're nineteen, almost twenty. It's recommended."

"I don't recall any doctor saying that", I reply laughing.

"Well, I said it now. And you know I am always right."

"Yes, you are."

I take a look in the bag and see that it is indeed filled with rosquillas. So many. Too many. No one will mind if one goes missing.

I take my first one and immediately am in love. Best food ever.

"Delicious as always", I tell Carmen.

"Told you I'm always right."

I again avoid choking. Only reply: "We indeed brought some plus-ones." Carmen's eyes sparkle with curiosity. "My best friend", I add, and have to try hard not to laugh as I see the disappointment in her eyes. "She's really nice. You two will be friends in no time."

"We sure will", Carmen adds, the smile back on her face. "And Kai? Who did he bring?"

"His best friend too."

"You kids are boring", she counters. "I thought I taught you better than that."

"I'm sorry I failed your lessons", I reply smirking. She can't hold back a laugh.

I take out the money from my bag to pay for the donuts, yet she only shakes her head.

"On the house, linda. See it as a welcome back present."

I smile at her and hug her again. She smirks.

As we let go, she looks at me and says: "Tell Kai welcome back from me. And come back soon."

"I will. Thank you", I reply. She smiles and waves at me as I walk outside the café.

The way back home is much quicker. Partly because I can't stop thinking of what happened yesterday, partly because the rosquillas in my hand smell so good I can't wait to put them on the table and eat some. If it were up to me, I'd stop on the next bench and have some, but I really want to share them with Dia and Kai. And Coin. But mostly Dia and Kai.

As soon as I arrive at the house, I take out the keys from my bag and walk in. There is silence filling the place. As if nobody is up yet. The only sound I hear are some dishes clirring in the kitchen. Since there is the only person I can use as company, I make my way to the room.

Only to freeze.

There isn't Kai or Dia who's standing there. Not even Coin. No. Standing in our kitchen is a woman, probably one year or two older than me. Her olive skin tone glows in the sunshine, her brown doe eyes spreading happiness and joy. Her hair is dark brown, a bit lighter than mine. She's wearing a red summer dress, that shows off her silhouette. My first guess would be she's a model.

A model, that just broke into my house.

I step closer to the kitchen isle and take the first frying pan I see. I then hold it in my hands like a weapon. The woman seems to be a bit afraid, since she takes a step back.

"Who are you?" I ask, coming closer to her, frying pan in my hands.

"Cami. I'm Cami Marquez", she answers. Her voice has a Spanish accent that one can't miss. It sounds nice.

Not nice since she's a criminal who broke into my house.

"That's great, nice to meet you", I reply sarcastically. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"I came here to see... I am...", she wants to say but her words run out. As if it's a secret why she's here.

"You came to see what? You're what?", I ask, stepping even closer to her. Threatening.

"I'm Kai's fiancée."

And with that, my world stops spinning. And for a second, I just freeze.

Before I yell: "KAI!"

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