Fact no.37: Enemies-to-lovers is the best trope out there

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Turns out a change of scenery was just what I needed. During the next days, Soph and Nini make sure that we have a schedule so filled that Dia and I don't even have time to think of how sad we are. After lounging that day in the pool with the named margaritas, and us two ending up sobbing for hours, the girls changed their strategy. The next day, we all went sailing. Alec and Caden joined us too, and even if they were confused or annoyed we crashed their double date trip, they didn't let it show. We even got to swim with some fishies and Caden taught us all some cool jumps. The next day we went to visit Monte Carlo. And to make the Monaco experience complete, we went on a shopping spree. The guys again came with us. They were used as "holders" the whole day, them literally holding our clothes and bags. Soph and Alec missed for two hours though, since Soph had a photoshoot with Dior planned. They asked us if we want to come with them, but Nini, Caden, Dia and I preferred to hit the Starbucks. The day after that we went to Nice and went along the promenade at the beach, went for a swim and walked through the city streets. I understood what Nini meant with paparazzi then. They really where everywhere. Yet we all acted like we didn't notice them so it wasn't so bad. The day after we visited Cannes and even met some film stars living there. And the day that followed we went for another sail.

I almost didn't notice the time going by. Were it not for the memories of me and Noah filling my head. Or the way I wake up every night after a nightmare. Then stroll to the bathroom to check on Dia. She has been having nightmares ever since that night. And throws up every night. Soph, Nini and I are always there, trying to calm her down and remind her she's safe. She wakes up screaming at someone, yelling "Let me go" or "Stop". As she opens her eyes, she cries.

I am sunk on the floor, with my back against the wall. Dia went back to sleep, and I remained to watch over her. Nini, Soph and I take turns during the night. Nini is next to me now, Soph being in a phone call with her family. They are telling her the schedule for September. The galas and balls she has to attend. I don't think it's going so well, since she's been in there for over three hours. Alec is with her in the room, Caden is next to us, also leaning against the wall, sitting on the floor. Nini's head is tilted on his shoulder, my head tilted on hers.

"I can't believe everything that happened", I whisper. I can feel Nini nod.

"Me neither", she whispers.

We spend the rest of the night in silence, staring in the darkness. I fall asleep at one point. I wake up in my bed, tucked in some fresh blankets.

I decide to go for a run the next day. It's almost noon and the rest have left for a walk throughout the city. I needed some time alone. To be able to think about everything that happened. Clear my thoughts. I haven't run the last few days. Haven't done that in a while. Not ever since what happened. I've been sleeping so few and wake up to tired to move.

But today, I need to change something. Anything.

I run along the promenade of Monte Carlo. I think I stop every five meters to take a picture. Every five meters. The view is so beautiful. This place doesn't feel like a place. But a dream.

As I go back inside the yacht, I say hello to Christine, one of the people working on the boat, and head to my room.

I freeze as I open the handle and try not to scream.

For lying in front of me is Jerry.

The place I stabbed him in is sewed back in place in form of a heart. The sewing is not the best, but it holds the plushie from falling apart.

"Jerry", I whisper and go to him. I kneel in front of the teddy bear to take him better in. He seems to be sad. And then I think how sad I must be if I already started seeing plushies as sad.

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