Fact no.10: Turns out a best friend usually knows your secrets

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I'm back at the beach.

My nerves are down, my fists clenched, my blood boiling.

He is my best friend. My best friend. He could have told me he's getting married.

"Noah", Kai's voice tones from behind.

I try hard to hide my rage as I turn around.

He only stares at me for a while, clearly understanding how I feel. And that I could explode any moment now.

"I guess a congratulations is due. Since, you've clearly been soon-to-be-married since November", I let out, my voice frozen. Kai senses the edge in my words, the danger behind them.

He swallows hard.

"I wanted to tell you", he begins. I already stopped listening.

"But you didn't", I cut him short. "You didn't tell me. You bought an apartment to move away with her, a whole freaking apartment, and I didn't even know you two were together. Or that you proposed."

He takes a deep breath. Then says: "I really wanted to tell you. I really did. But I also wanted to keep it a secret from everyone. Until Cami and I would sort things out and find a way to be closer to each other."

I look at him, my gaze not getting any warmer: "I thought I was your best friend, man. I thought we told each other everything. Especially when it comes to relationships."

"I am not the only one of us who has kept their relationship secret", Kai counters. The moment I process his words, a tight feeling spreads through my lungs. I can't get air how I should. I almost can't breathe. Kai also mustn't have wanted to let that out loud, since he now looks at the ground.

We both know what he's talking about.

My relationship with April.

His sister.

I can only hope for mercy. Especially as our relationship ended terribly bad from my fault.

"How long have you known?", I ask him, while taking a sit on the sand. I guess I'll need to sit for this conversation, in case my legs decide to pass out. He takes a sit next to me.

"Ever since I came back from Tokyo", he answers. Ever since he came back from Tokyo...Which means, he knew this whole time. Months. Years.

"Why haven't you said anything?", I continue.

Kai seems to think about it, his look lost somewhere on the sea. It's then he adds: "Because it was clear neither of you wanted to talk about it. And April was devastated as it was. Me coming and cutting the wound all over again wouldn't have helped her."

I swallow hard and also look at the sea.

I can hear her laughing, splashing me with water, running through the waves-

I close my eyes and look away.

"I know that whatever happened, it had to be your fault", he says again after a while of silence. I raise an eyebrow at him. He only lets out a small laugh, amused, but also dry at the same time and adds: "Oh don't even get me started."

I can't help but chuckle now, but the feeling of that tight thing in my chest doesn't back off.

"If you knew I screwed up, knew all this time, why the heck are you even talking to me right now? Why are you still my best friend?", I ask him, clearly not finding the logic. What I did to April was unforgivable. And Kai is rather protective of his little sister. If he knew what I did, why was he still here?

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