Fact no.30: Maybe a future with Noah isn't as bad

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"Do you think this is too much?", Dia asks me, spinning around. The party for Glamour today that Cami managed to invite us too has switched the motto from gala to casual. It takes place at one of the most popular beach bars in Barcelona. Which is why Dia and I spend some time getting ready in my room. More exactly, over three hours now.

I look at her and can't stop but smile. She's in a beautiful red Summer dress and matching Converse. Her hair is styled with a clip and the makeup I put her on makes her face glow. It's not much, just a bit of shadow and gloss. The beauty is all her.

"It's perfect", I answer. Dia smiles at me.

"So are you", she replies. I thank her with a small pirouette. I'm in a pastel green dress, some high heels and my hair straightened, the curls now gone. My face has also just some shadow around my eyes and some lipstick, nothing popping. But I love this look.

"Are you excited for tonight?", I ask her. She smiles.

"I am. I am more nervous really. But also happy. I don't know what to feel", she answers sincere. Remember that guy Dia talked to at the last party? Miguel? The one with the band? Yeah, his band sings again at the party tonight. And he invited Dia to sing with him. Dia had been excited about the party ever since.

"You'll do amazing, Dia", I tell her. She doesn't look so convinced as she smiles at me. I continue: "You are. You have the most amazing voice I've ever heard. I am sure you'll do amazing."

And I didn't say it just for show. It's true. Dia has the best voice ever. So sweet and gentle and making you feel all cozy and warm. She mostly sings covers, but I sometimes catch her write her own songs in her room. Every time I ask her about them she tells me she's not yet ready to show them. I hope I'll get to hear them soon.

"I have to sing one song in Spanish too", she replies chuckling. I look at her surprised. She only chuckles again.

"You'll do great. Don't worry", I tell her.

She seems to believe me since she gives me a hug, then we both head outside of the room.

"Finally", I can hear Kai say from in front of the door as he hears footsteps.

As we arrive in the hallway, we're greeted by Kai, Cami, Leo and...Noah. Noah, who's wearing a My girlfriend is hotter than you T-Shirt.

He seems to have frozen in space as he saw me, since he only starts breathing again as I hug him.

"You're beautiful, precious", he tells me.

"So are you", I reply, hoping it will get me to what I want. "What's with the T-Shirt?"

He looks down at his T-Shirt, as if seeing me made him completely forget about the rest of the world.

"Oh, this thing", he asks. "Bought it a few days ago. Thinking back at the last party, I realized how many girls wanted to flirt with me...."

"Poor baby", I interrupt him.

I earn a kiss and a smirk from him for that. "Don't feel sorry. I don't. It's not my fault I am stunningly attractive", he teases.

"Humble too", I add, rolling my eyes amused.

He chuckles. "I wanted to make something clear with the T-Shirt. I am taken."

"Doesn't it feel weird walking around in that?", I ask him, cringing at the T-Shirt. The black text on a white background.

"Precious, I can make pink look good. This shouldn't be a challenge", he tells me smirking. I remember our day in Barcelona. And have to smirk too.

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