Fact no.23: Lover

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Day 2 of the week has started. Well, day 1 if you see it as full-day spent together, but day 2 my friends are here.

We are all relaxing on our beach, making me thank the universe again this summer house came with its own beach. No one is here to interrupt us and the beach isn't so crowded. The only people here are us. It's perfect.

The girls and I have been swimming until now, the guys came in later to join us. We ended up splashing each other, and laughing. Soph and Alec, Nini and Caden, Dia and Leo and Cami and Kai also did cute couple stuff. Caden chased Nini in the water, put her on the shoulder. They both fell in the water and as they came back up, they kissed some time. Soph and Alec also kissed, letting the waves around them. Alec was holding Soph in the air, her feet around his waist, arms around his neck. He was holding her protective, so that she doesn't fall. And then they kissed. I kept an eye on Dia and Leo, just in case. They kissed in the water. Not as aesthetic as the other couples, but still a kiss.

I remained with Nessie, and we played tag. Jacob and Noah soon joined in, and we ended playing chicken. Noah and I together, Jacob with Nessie. It was really fun, and I could feel Adam's gaze on us. I asked him whether he wanted to join, he told us he's alright. I didn't believe him, yet rolled with it.

We are now staying on our towels. Kai and Cami doing their usual kissing session, the Fab Five in the water, while me and my besties relax on the sand. Nessie is lying down, her head on my lap, a very smutty book in her hands. I sneak some glances at the pages from time to time, and can't believe what I'm reading. As I asked her, she said this was light compared to other books she has read. Sure, because someone saying "Grab onto the headboard" is very light.

Soph is leaning on my shoulder. Nini is in front of her, Soph playing with her hair. Dia is with Leo on another towel, the two kissing. I wished she were here, but they haven't seen each other in a while. I can understand her wish to be with him. Looking at Leo, it's not that he's not handsome. He's okay. Has same black hair, green eyes like Dia. Then again, he's not Jacob. Jacob, who last night went to get drunk with Caden and Noah, reason unknown. My guess: Jacob didn't take it well as Dia stopped their hug to go kiss Leo. And my guess number two, he didn't enjoy seeing the two kiss.

I asked Noah for details, he only told me he now supports the idea of the two being soulmates.

Point proven.

The girls and I are talking about something, as our attention is stolen and we completely forget what we were talking about. The Fab Five now emerges from the sea. And of course, they don't just get out of the sea. No. The five decided to make this all Baywatch style, running in slomo. Water dripping down their very packed chests, skin tanned, smile on. I can almost feel the sweat on me. The day suddenly got hotter. And judging the look on my besties' faces, they feel the same. Nini even bites her bottom lip while assessing Caden.

Did we just managed to get the hottest guys in the world fall for us?

I smirk at that thought.

The five come sit down next to us. While walking, Noah quickly bends down to me and whispers: "Next time, try to make the staring less obvious."

I frown at him and make a vulgar gesture. He smirks.

"So, anyone up to play something?", Jacob says. For a guy that was drunk last night, he for sure looks and acts all fresh and fit. As if last night never happened. Well, apart from me, Noah, Soph, Nini, Alec and Caden, no one knows what happened last night. Which is probably for the best.

"How about a sports tournament?", Noah suggests. He obviously said that. We just happen to have three sports captains on this trip.

"There's a beach volleyball court there", I add, pointing at the net on the beach. Jacob already starts smirking.

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