Fact no.27: Guess they know

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I have never laughed this much. Or smiled this much. And being in this empty house now feels weird. Just a few days ago it was filled with my friends. Now it's empty.

For only Leo remained, the rest leaving after our time in the fun park. Adam said he had some business to attend to in New York and he then needed to travel urgently to Los Angeles, to see his brother. Soph, Alec, Nini and Caden are continuing their double date trip, now being somewhere in Spain, around Sevilla. Jacob set off to Thailand to see his parents who are there on holiday. Nessie said she'll head back to New York. And Leo stayed for Dia.

He'll be here for another two weeks.

I am looking at the photos we made in the fun park. The two days have been for sure ones of the best I've ever had. We went in all attractions, sometimes even the ones for the babies. We laughed the whole time and had a best. In the evening we had karaoke at the hotel's restaurant. It was so fun.

I am lost back in the memories as Cami barges into the room.

"There you are, I've been searching all over for you", Cami says.

I close my phone and turn to look at her. She's in a cozy oversized T-Shirt and some flip flops and is smiling over both ears.

"Someone's in a good mood", I reply. She smiles even brighter.

"Guess what?", she begins.

"What?", I ask, faking some excitement. It's not that I am not happy for her, but the house feels lonely now.

"I've been invited to another party by Glamour. In four days. And you are all welcomed to come."

"Remind me what you do again?", I ask, if only to tease her.

"I'll take that as a yes", she says in a sing-tone voice as she strolls out of the room. I can't help but smile.


"I've been thinking", I tell Noah later that day. We're in the swimming pool, my back pinned against the pool wall as he's kissing me. "I've been thinking we should tell the others."

"Why?", he asks me, taking a break from my lips to look at me in the eyes.

"I don't know. Because I want to be with you. I don't want us to keep sneaking around to be able to be together. I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss you in the morning. I want to dance with you in the kitchen, go out on dates and be the one you can call "precious" in front of everyone without people asking why. I want you."

And I meant every word.

I thought about it for a while. It broke my heart at the fun park that I wasn't able to hold his hand in the roller coasters so that we can scream together. That I wasn't able to kiss him. Or tell him I love him.

But the frozen expression Noah gives me now has me doubting what I want.

"What?", I ask him, my hand brushing his cheek. He shivers under my touch. "What is it? Is it so bad to have me want you?"

He looks at me surprised. And is quick to shake his head. "No, precious. It isn't. It is all I ever wanted."

And with that, I come even closer and kiss him again. I don't stop even as Cami walks outside the house and on the terrace, getting a glimpse of us. Gasping and covering her mouth with her hand. Or as Kai comes worried at her and notices us too. And surprise flickers on his face.

I only hold Noah closer and lean deeper into his hug.

"Guess they know", I whisper, sneaking a glance at Kai and Cami. He follows my gaze and nods.

"Guess they know", he repeats in agreement and kisses me again. I chuckle and let it happen.

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