Extended Epilogue

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It feels weird being back here. In the summer house. We haven't returned ever since that Summer between my sophomore and junior year. I already graduated now. And already got a job at one of the lawyers offices I always dreamed of working in. That Summer feels like ages ago. Yet it was the Summer that changed everything.

"I can't believe Kai moved here", Noah says, holding my hand. I turn around to meet his gaze. He was already looking at me. I look at the man in front of me. My friend. My boyfriend. My lover. My fiancée. The one I love most and the one I am planning to spend my life with.

My Noah.

I sneak a glance at the ring on my finger just to make sure I'm not dreaming. It always feels like a dream. Being with him feels like a dream.

"I know", I reply. Kai and Cami invited us over for two weeks. They married the Spring after that Summer. And moved back in Spain as soon as Kai was ready with college. It hurts having him so far away, since Noah and I live in New York. I can see how Noah was affected by Kai's decision too. Ever since they were little, they dreamed of playing together in a football team when they would be older. Noah remained and made their dream come true. He is now captain of an NFL team in New York. Kai moved here and plays for a Spanish team. Just between us, Noah's team is better. I guess Kai knows it too, but never admits it. He is captain of this team and really loves it.

I love Noah's team more.

Noah's grip tightens around my hand. A sign he's still hurting. Losing his best friend was hard. He still has the rest of the Fab Five close, but not Kai. And Kai is still his best friend. Or was. I don't know. He never really talks about it. I am glad that he and the rest of the Fab Five get along though. For we still have Core Ten reunions. Every Sunday. At one of our homes. The ten of us feel more like a family now rather than a friend group. After everything we've been through.

"Hey Noah", I whisper to him. He looks at me and smiles, our gaze meeting. "You know I am always here for you, right?", I ask him.

He nods and leans over to me to kiss me.

"I know", he replies. Another kiss. "What have I ever done to deserve you?"

I chuckle at that. For he didn't have to do anything. I love him. And my love for him is deeper than anything.

Before I can reply, I feel two small hands grabbing my dress just above my knee. I have to smile at that and take the little kid in my hands, lifting it up to my chest. "Hey there, Rosie posie", I greet her, showering her with kisses. Rosa chuckles at her nickname. Her twin brother appears in the room shortly after, and Noah lifts him up. He high fives with him and I kiss Luca's forehead.

"I am so sorry", their mother says, entering the room Noah and I were in. Cami looks at us smiling, her face glowing with joy. We haven't seen each other in a while. Noah and I have been busy, and we spent the holidays so far either together or with our friends and their families. We all met for Christmas though, since my parents wanted a time when all of their children came together. It was nice to see Mom and Dad together with their grandchildren. And to get to play the cool auntie. "I told them they should wait until you relaxed a bit but they couldn't wait", Cami adds.

"No problem, really", I say, kissing Rosa's forehead again. She chuckles. I kiss her again. "We also couldn't wait to see them again."

Noah backs me up with a nod. I smile at him.

"Well, Kai is on the terrace, he's making the grill for tonight. Want me to show you to your room first or later?", Cami asks. I can see her place a hand on her belly. And the baby bump. For there is another child on the way. Cami got pregnant again last winter, leaving Kai overly excited. He texted us all and video-called us. I can never forget the happy look on his face. The happiest I've ever seen him. I remember feeling like that as Noah got down on one knee a few weeks ago. And I said yes. What else could I have said? I love this man with every piece of my heart. Yes was the only answer.

"We can sit down and chat for a bit", I say. Although she didn't say it, I can see that her back is hurting from her pregnancy. And standing up doesn't really help. She gets why I suggested that and thanks me with a look.

"I'll go say hello to Kai", Noah tells me, asking if it would be okay for me. I nod. He gently places Luca back on the ground and leans down to me to kiss me. Not a hungry kiss like the ones he gives me at night, when it's just the two of us in our bedroom. Or the passionate kisses we share when we want to express how much we feel for each other. No. This time it is a gentle kiss. One to tell me he's there for me and one word from me will have him running back to me, ready to help me with whatever I might need.

This kiss has me melting.

I also carefully place Rosa in her mother's arms and then tug at Noah's shirt as he wants to leave, pulling him closer.

"I thought you were okay with me leaving", he whispers, smirk on. He's back in his teasing mood. I am relieved really. I knew how much coming here might affect him. This Summer house holds some of the best memories we two have. Hooking up in every single corner we could find, late night movie watching in the cinema or my bedroom, cooking together, dancing in the living room. Swimming in the pool, making out in the pool. The beach. The first time I smiled at him again. But this house also holds sad times. I will never forget seeing Leo in front of that door. Seeing him bang and wanting to hurt Dia. I smile at the fact she's happy now. And that she moved on. Noah told me how he cried in his room after I left that day with Dia. How he couldn't eat and sleep for days, thinking he lost me forever.

He didn't.

This house is both our salvation and our downfall. And we are just two people visiting it.

"I am", I reply. I also plan on teasing him. If only to force the bad memories of this place away. "But give me one more minute."

He nods smiling and I pull him closer. I kiss the heck out of him and am still doing it as he whispers: "One minute is over, precious."

"Fine, give me two", I reply, my mouth not going any inch further away from his. "Or maybe three. Four. Five tops."

He laughs. "Who's counting? Take all the time you need."

I smile at that and can't hold back kissing him. My Noah. And as his hands hold me in a hug and his grip tightens, showing me he is just as eager to let go as I am, which is slim to zero, I smile.

For I know for a fact I am not letting this guy go ever again.

My Noah.

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