2: All Under Control (Alex)

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Alex knew he was asking a lot of Henry, but he truly believed in what a public wedding would mean for people. He has been thinking about this for about a week now, but hadn't known how to bring it up to Henry. He knew Henry would have to think about it, and a large part of Alex did still want that private wedding they were planning on, but he also wanted to make a difference, and Henry and him were in a unique position to do so. 

The campaign office is bustling. Through the glass office walls, Alex can see Nora and June, who looked like they were arguing. He makes some of it out before he even gets to the door. 

"We can't. People woul–"

"That's just it, June. We can, and it–"

"Hello, darlings!  Trouble in paradise?" Alex says as he opened the door to the office June and Nora shared in the campaign office.

"Ha Ha, brother." June is standing by Nora's desk, one hand on the desk, leaning over Nora, the other hand on her hip. She turns to face her brother. 

"Come on June, we all see it but you." Alex gives a little look between his sister on his best friend. "What were you discussing?"

"June thinks it would be weird if we hold hands when we walk down your aisle." June gives Nora a dirty look. 

"Well, you guys are best friends, so, yeah? Who cares, June?"

"I'll be holding the rings though!" June mimicks using both hands to hold the small pillow with rings.

"Why don't you let Bea do it? I think she was actually a bit upset that she doesn't have a bigger role in the wedding."

"Yeah, June, let Bea do it." Nora remains seated at her desk, but swivels the chair around to face Alex and June. "That way she can walk with her niece, it makes much more sense." Prince Phillip's baby girl, Maribeth, would be acting as the flower girl for the wedding. 

"But then who will walk with Pez? It was supposed to be you and me, Bea and Pez, and then Maribeth down the aisle. If you and I go, and Bea goes with Maribeth, who walks with Pez?"

"He can walk with us." Nora says flatly. June immediately goes red.

After a pause, she says, "We can't fit three down the aisle." 

"Then we expand the aisle! It's a bunch of chairs in the grass on the lawn– we can set it up however we want." Nora is starting to show a bit of anger; wedding tensions were getting high and, what Alex has to tell them is only going to make it worse. 

"Guys, I had a conversation with Henry this morning about the wedding."

"Tell him not to worry, we've built it into the schedule for the year, we're still working out the dates for the honeymoon–"

"Well, actually, I was thinking about what it would take to make it a public wedding."

Nora and June star at him. Shocked silence stretches between them. 

"Alex," June finally breaks the silence, "I thought you both wanted a private ceremony at the Austin house? Just like family and few friends."

"Yes, we did, but that was before I was running for a seat in the house. And I realized, we could really make a statement to the people of this country who feel like they aren't represented in politics–"

"So you want to use your wedding  to further your political career?" Nora says blankly. That makes Alex wince. 

"That's not what I mean. Honestly it's just as likely to hurt the campaign as it is to help–"

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