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I went into my room and locked the door immediately, damn. I did just put flowers on Vincent-! Vincent out of all people! What the hell am I thinking!? I should be glad that he didn't chop off my arms at that time! I don't know why but I started to want to do some nice things for my siblings at that time...

No, no, no! I shouldn't! At best I better get low! And make sure they don't have an interest in me! But right now I have to forget about that, I sit on the chair and take a notebook. Ah, the notebook says :


"mmh...this just has been the OG Luke diary. I'm surprised at how easy it is for me to just take it."
What if other siblings go into his room and take his diary? Won't that be embarrassing? I shake my head. Whatever, this is OG Luke's choice anyway... I open the diary.

Page 1: Mother and I!

[Mother always looks sad, is it because she knows that the duke doesn't think I'm qualified to become a part of the ordane? ... I also think the same, unlike my siblings. I noticed that they had been picking up "blades" and going on a mission to get the "target" I didn't know what they meant. But I think that's what I'm supposed to do as well. But for some reason unlike them, I was able to not do that thing...]

The writing is quite a mess but still readable at least. Wow, this must have been his first time writing in a diary when he was a child. Otherwise, how could anyone don't know what blade and target are? I turn to another page. All of them are just filled with his activity with his mother such as gardening, playing, reading, and drawing. A perfect activity to do with a toddler at that time.

I sigh, poor like. I'm sure it'll be alright for you... Well, that is a lie since I know what is gonna happen in the future...but still...!

Page 20: birthday~

[Now that I'm 5, I will celebrate my birthday with my mother once again~ I can't wait! Mother also says that she has a new gift for me which makes me feel so happy! As usual, the Duke won't be with us but I don't mind that. It's okay, I have a mother and she is the best! I just hope that I will be able to stay like this with her forever...]

I turn to another page, the paper is a bit softer than the others. And there is a stain...? It's barely noticeable but that makes sense. This is definitely from a very long past. I read them. Also, this is so unrealistic! This guy is 5 years old and yet he can write so well?! I barely made an 'A' when I was your age! But then yet again

Luke does stay with his mother for the longest time. I guess she teaches him everything. Everything except protecting himself huh?

Page 21: Kyle and mother.

[I never thought that the day where I would be celebrating my birthday would be the day where I hate it the most... Father has given the order to deon. The oldest out of us to go and execute Mother, I don't know what she did but Mother did nothing! So why!? He stabs her and even slices her up!

Mother pulls me closer and says I should live... J hate deon, I hate him so much! If I were stronger would I be able to protect her? I hate this I hate this! Why mother?! She has DONE NOTHING WRONG!!! I feel like I want to scream! To immediately take the knife and stab it into Deon's throat!


There are lots of stains, he must have cried so much when writing this. I continue to read the novel. Also, it's pretty disturbing how a 5-year-old kid has already wanted to stab someone in the throat... Although I guess it makes sense.


One day, Charles came and gave me a baby. The third lady sees the baby as a failure and no longer wants him. Before the mother's death, we used to take care of the baby when the third lady was still resting. But now that mother is dead. What should I do?

Reincarnated as the second male lead, I decide to become a proper saintHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin