Chapter 2: The white haired boy's new classmate. Annoyance.

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Chapter 2: The white haired boy's new classmate. Annoyance.

Hoseok went inside the classroom, and after a while finally the lessons began. He sat in front of the teachers desk, that way he wouldn't need to see the rest of his classmates, or speak to them, as almost no one liked to sit so near to the front, the board, or the teacher himself. 

He on the other hand needed to sit there in case he needed to communicate with the teacher, so his messages in his small notebook could be read. 

The sun was already painting the sky with shiny bright colors, Hoseok felt tired but instead he smiled, he sat there like a good student would, already preparing his materials for the class. 

Finally the teacher went in. The teacher obviously greeted him as long time acquaintances, a big smile directed toward the white haired guy. Hoseok just faked a smile, he knew he had the teachers eating from the palm of his hand, and he just needed to act on it.

Hoseok felt again a certain surge of contempt, he was really happy with the way his school life was going currently at that University. 

The class began, and soon the rest of the classmates arrived, only the desk behind him was empty, no one wanted to sit that close to him, they couldn't talk normally to him so all people preferred to be away. Hoseok knew this, he wasn't affected by it. 

Finally the teacher had been projecting some presentation in the front when the door again opened, everybody was staring at the new comer, a mint haired guy was standing on the door threshold, he was looking anxiously around, he noticed how unlucky he was, there was only a seat left, and it was behind the annoying white haired dude he had met before. 

He entered walking quickly, he felt his slightly round cheeks burning with embarrassment, he said something similar to "sorry" and he sat finally on his seat, the teacher coughed twice, and continued as if no one had interrupted him at all, with a last glance of disgust toward his student. Yoongi had always been hated by students and teachers, he was that type of problematic intimidating guy all people avoided. 

Yoongi being an introvert and hating to call for people's attention had had his deal of society for a bit, he took out a notebook and for the rest of the class, he lowered his glance to his own empty notebook, trying to write something down, he couldn't focus or turn to look around, he felt to embarrassed for that. 

The class continued its course, but Hoseok felt annoyed by the second, that day the guy in the mint hair had annoyed him, he felt wrong and ashamed for the misunderstanding earlier. And now he felt uncomfortable without any clue of what to do, if he should explain himself, or if he should continue ignoring the guy all together as he already apparently did. Having that annoying intimidating kind of "bully aura"  didn't help his nerves, for some reason he felt uncomfortable or in danger. 

He had been trying hard to focus and not think about him, he loved being a good student and he enjoyed studying, so he really was trying hard to do his own thing. But clearly that day, he hadn't woken up on his lucky side. The air around him smelled like sweat, alcohol, tobacco and annoyance all together. Hoseok was sensitive to scents, he hated alcohol and tobacco. It reminded him of his biological progenitors who abused him, and it made him feel  sick to his stomach. He felt nauseated, he knew it was the mint haired guy who smelled so bad. 

He tried to ignore it as best as he could, while he tried to  write something the teacher had just said, when out of the blue, a sound strong enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to be ignored by the rest of the classroom came to him. 

Yoongi's cheeks went red, he held his stomach, he was surrounding his middle with his arms, trying to stop in vain the embarrassing growling his stomach had begun to make. He didn't have time left to buy something from the machine in the hall, all because of that annoying bleached hair guy, and now he had to suffer the consequences. He didn't even have a bottle of water to trick his brain and stomach. 

Hoseok heard that annoying sound again, and he shall admit, the mint haired guy was crawling into his skin, generally he would have more patience, he wasn't easily annoyed, he always seemed to be calm and under control no matter what, but that morning everything was too much for him. The smell and noises were angering him. He had never experienced an empty belly, at least not since he moved in with his uncle and aunt, so he didn't know about hunger, and he honestly didn't care. 

Hoseok began to judge his classmate, if he hated him because of the incident that morning and for having interrupted his perfect morning, that dude's disgusting scent and stomach were  also doing its own deal of annoyance. His dirty second hand clothes also were an offense for his sight. 

He had tried to ignore the sound, but they were sitting too close, and the mint haired guy's stomach kept on rumbling hungrily. Each time Hoseok tried to copy down some notes that sound would trigger him into getting even angrier. "A whale would have made less noise, and would have smelled better and looked prettier!" He thought to himself. 

It was the same when someone was clicking a pen, biting their nails, or eating too close to him munching in his ear, he really was having a hard time with the external sounds. But he was trying his best. He hated noisy people. 

The lesson continued, and Yoongi felt miserable, he couldn't believe his bad luck, he was hoping he would never have to see that arrogant dude, and man! There he was, sitting right behind his expensive and luxurious annoying ass, dressed in expensive clothes, and surrounded in arrogance. 

While he was there, stinking as alcohol and tobacco, dressed in second hand clothes, worn shoes, and if that wasn't enough comparison to his classmate, he had a horrible stomach ache from hunger, his stomach felt so empty it was hurting, a burning sensation spreading through his insides as fire or a black hole. Certainly his front classmate had the most expensive food to fill his stomach with while there he was sitting miserably though a two hour lesson with an empty grumbling stomach. He was so embarrassed, his cheeks were red as tomatoes. 

Yoongi was annoyed, he felt so tired and sleepy, he didn't have enough energy for that bullshit so early in the day, and not caring it was barely the second week of the new semester. He lowered his head in his arm and fell asleep hugging with his other arm his painful empty stomach. 

All the rest of the lesson, Hoseok was distracted by being nervous, he still was pondering if he should have apologized to that rude dude before he would do something to him in revenge, or better to run away from him, he really looked like those bullies from his middle school years. He was seriously thinking about changing seats just to avoid that cold intimidating guy. 

At least the annoying guy had managed to somehow shut up his stomach, but that didn't give Hoseok the peace of mind he wanted for that day or every day of his life. He thought he wouldn't need to worry about that dude once he could change seats in the next class, but luck this time  wasn't on his side. 

"Now, about the project, I'll be needing you to work in pairs for the rest of this class until the end of the semester." The teacher had said out loud for the rest of the class. 

Hoseok's heart had jumped in his chest. He began to feel nervous suddenly, his hands were sweating and he began to have a bad feeling, it was more like a gut feeling. 

"Now, I'll assign the pairs, for the rest of the semester all of you will work with the classmate behind you, the first road of seats will work with the one behind you, the last  with the first from the second road and so on, no one will be left out this way." The teacher said happily, but in Hoseok's ears it had sounded like a doom announcement, a condemnation, he felt lost. 

"But why are you looking at me like that? Go on, find your partner and begin to work, now! You need to submit to me before the class ends, a paper with both your names, and the name of your project and topic." 

Hoseok perfect, angelical and sweet fake face for the first time felt, he wasn't ready for that kind of destiny, he was really living peacefully before this major accident happened in his life. He was almost sure it had something to do with his karma, as he had been rude towards that stupid guy. 

Once the first shock had been suppressed, he had placed again his mask, he ignored the way his hands felt sweaty or his insides twisted uncomfortable, he faked his more bright smile, and decided to finally turn back to face the frightening cold eyed guy. 


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