Chapter 15: Our friendship. Caring.

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Warnings: It is still mentioned the episode about they harasser and the failed r*ape attempt. Alcoholic beverages, drugged against will, self harm, scars, difficult past memories.

Chapter 15: our friendship. Caring.

Yoongi had woken up first, he had gone out of the bedroom and called his boss at the Chinese restaurant. He told him he wouldn't work that Saturday. He then called the bar owner, his boss had been concerned since last night. He explained to him about Hoseok's condition and how he had been drugged and gotten drunk. He asked him a favor, to call the police and tell them about the harasser but to remove from vigilance cameras all footage from Hoseok to not place him on the lookout, or cause him troubles to his important rich clases family, as rumors could be spread and that could harm Hoseok image too.

"I found a phone in the men's restroom, is this one also his?" The owner asked.

"Probably, could you keep it safe with my motorcycle and my guitar?" Yoongi asked him.

"Sure thing kid. But you'll owe me big time, let me call the police, take good care of your friend. I won't even describe him, the police won't know what the victim looks like, don't worry I've got him covered." The owner said and hung up.

That morning Jimin had woken up late, he had been sleeping with his new boyfriend Taehyung, he had invited him over to his expensive apartment.

He had tried to call Hoseok, but his phone was off, and he began to feel nervous. He told Taehyung his concerns, so Taehyung had tried to contact his classmate with whom they knew Hoseok had a date last night at the bar. But he couldn't find him.

"I'll go look for Hyung at his apartment, you look for your classmate." Jimin told him, both guys went to look for their friends.

When Jimin arrived at his friend's building the security guard told him Hoseok never returned back that night. This made Jimin begin to panic, he had never slept outside his home, and less with a stranger who he was barely getting to know.

"Tae he is not in his apartment, he never came back from the bar. Could you find your classmate?" Jimin asked anxiously on the phone.

"No Chim, he is no longer living here, the security guard told me he flew after police came to look for him some days ago." He said. "The police told me his name was false, and he is being investigated for fraud and abusing people in bars. I'm sorry I didn't know he was like that, I met him this month at uni and he didn't seem to be a bad person. This is my fault." Tae said sadly.

"It's not your fault, don't worry we will find him. Go to the police to ask if they know something but don't tell them why, we don't want this to cause Hoseok or his aunt and uncle troubles." Jimin said. "I'll go to the bar, probably they know something."

Jimin had gone to the bar. He found the owner cleaning and preparing to serve his clients. "How can I help you kid?"

"Not a kid, I'm an adult, and I'm here because yesterday my friend came with a suspicious guy, and the guy had fled the police, they are searching for him, and my friend isn't anywhere. Did you by any chance notice something yesterday? My friend has white hair, he is mute, really handsome but quiet, and uses expensive brand and designer clothes." Jimin asked him, exalted.

"Yes I remember him, look "adult-kid" I already called the police they came a while ago, it was just about him. The thing is, his companion is a criminal, he is currently being searched in many bars for drugging and abusing his dates, he drugged and got drunk your friend yesterday, he had tried to rape him yesterday, but one of my employees saved him, nothing happened after that. I didn't tell the police about your friend, he looks like a rich kid, I didn't want him to have any trouble." The owner said while Cleaning the tables.

Voiceless Soul Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang