Chapter 19: Schedule of love. Helper.

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Warnings: Anxiety attack, anxious episodes, depression, intimidation, awkward social situations, love and comprehension.

Chapter 19: Schedule of love. Helper.

The rest of the day, Hoseok arrived when the classes were over and he would go with Yoongi to the bathrooms, to the next classrooms or whatever place he needed before he also went to his own classes, and when the classes were over, Hoseok invited Yoongi to a meal, as he already was feeling better. 

They went to the cafeteria, many students were there as they had more classes later in the afternoon, so they went to have a meal too. 

Everyone at the arts department had seen Yoongi and Hoseok walking together, they saw how Hoseok helped Yoongi to walk and with his backpack, and suddenly many rumors were spreading everywhere, everybody were looking at them, they couldn't understand why Hoseok was with the "Savage Min" who had been a monster to him. Yoongi knew they were fine with Hoseok, so he felt the eyes were just on him, and the hate directed just to him. 

"Hoseok wait, let's go back, I think I'm no longer hungry. Can we go now?" He said he had stopped Hoseok who was walking toward the cafeteria and dining area.

[Why? What happened? You said you were hungry, Hyung. Are you feeling sick? Your tummy is bothering you again?] 

Hoseok had asked, unsure. Yoongi nodded, and began to guide Hoseok out of there. He relaxed once he was out of view, he had begun to sweat and his vision had been blurry, but now that the people could no longer see him he relaxed. 

Hoseok began to walk again, helping Yoongi who thought they were going to the parking lot. But then he realized where they were walking towards, the Infirmary. He didn't feel sick but Hoseok had thought so. He was taking Yoongi to see nurse Seol. 

Yoongi didn't stop him, he felt he really wanted to talk to her. She always knew how to calm him when he was anxious. 

"Hey there you two! My favorite sweetie boys, how is that ankle Yoongi?" She was happy to see them, she also was waiting for her shift to end. 

"My ankle is better, Hoseokie has been helpful, he has been driving me everywhere, and helping me walk." Yoongi said proud and happy to be Hoseok's friend. 

"Then why are you here, did any of you feel sick?" She asked and Hoseok nodded while Yoongi denied with his head. "Where does it hurt?" She asked, confused, expecting to see Hoseok complain that he was the one feeling sick. 

Hoseok rubbed Yoongi's belly playfully instead. To show the nurse that  Yoongi felt slightly unwell in his belly. But Yoongi didn't feel sick, so he blushed and stopped Hoseok's hands gently. "Wait, I'm not really sick, it's just that  I felt so wrong back then." 

Hoseok was confused, so Yoongi told him to go inside the infirmary, where they sat with the nurse Seol, who had offered them some tea.  The three merry friends sat to talk. 

"The thing is, we were about to have a meal, but everyone was staring at us, and I felt really scared. I think I was having an anxiety attack, so I told Hoseok I wasn't hungry and walked away. I was so scared, sorry Hoseok. I hate to be around that many people who hate me." He explained to them. "But don't worry Hoseokie, my tummy feels good." He told his friend thanking him by grabbing his hand gently. 

Nurse Seol knew that information, and she felt sad. "I see, poor of my mint cotton candy boy. Sweetheart, it's fine, I understand, I have an idea, would you want to eat with me instead? We can have that meal here. Hobi and myself can go for the food and you can wait for us here. " Nurse Seol suggested. 

Hoseok clapped his hands feeling at ease knowing his friend wasn't feeling sick, he nodded and waited for Yoongi's answer. He nodded too, feeling excited, some weeks ago having to eat in the infirmary seemed pathetic and sad, and now it felt like a small reunion with his friends. 

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