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Quinn finds herself sleepy in a meeting that is supposed to talk about what they are supposed to write for the issue they will be publishing four months from now

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Quinn finds herself sleepy in a meeting that is supposed to talk about what they are supposed to write for the issue they will be publishing four months from now.

Each member of the editorial board presents their proposed ideas for the upcoming magazine, and with no features editor until now, their ideas are chaotically disheveled. Ever since the previous features editor left, all everybody could talk about was who between Linny and Quinn got the promotion, which Michelle refuses to announce even after she has received the board's decision. Quinn has a feeling, however, that Michelle will be announcing it soon, since they have to come up with the draft of the magazine issue they are currently working on.

"Alright, if I may get everyone's attention," Michelle starts, then every person in the room starts listening to her.

"The deadline of every section will be next week, and I want everyone to submit their sections to the layout artists by Friday. Remember, what I want is merely a rough draft, so please have a bit of an idea of what you want to write by then," Michelle says, then she closes her laptop, a signal that she will be ending the meeting soon.

"Before I adjourn this meeting, and I know a lot of you have been waiting so long for this, I would like to call our newest features editor, Linny Cole," Michelle says with a smile, and everyone immediately looks at Linny.

Linny covers her mouth in shock, delighted at the news, then she stands up and takes a bow, thanking the people in the room for their round of applause. Even Quinn, who was expecting the results despite her hard work, had no bad blood and is happy for her colleague. Once the meeting is adjourned, Quinn goes back to her table to work, then Linny taps her shoulder.

"I got the promotion, bestie! I told you I deserved it the minute you applied," Linny says, then Quinn smiles.

"Congratulations, Linny. You got what you wanted," Quinn says, making Linny roll her eyes.

"Oh, stop pretending that you are happy for me. I know you're very jealous of me and I know you think you deserve this more than I do, but I'm so, so sorry to say that you're wrong. I could not be any happier," Linny says, then Quinn nods her head.

"Not true; I actually am happy for you and I genuinely think you will do a great job. It's completely independent of how I feel about not getting promoted," Quinn says, then Linny scoffs.

"Karma is a funny thing, isn't it? I treated you like one of my best friends, but you never did the same. All I wanted was to have that promotion because it's what I deserve after working so hard on this magazine, yet you didn't give me that chance like a true friend would. Yet again, karma works hard to my favour," Linny says, then Quinn nods, completely uninterested and silently hoping that Linny would just walk away.

"You expect me to believe that you really are happy for me after all the things you did to sabotage me? You must be joking," Linny says, then she quickly pours her coffee all over Quinn's computer. The scalding, hot liquid splatters all over Quinn's blouse, making her stand up in surprise.

Preposterous || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin