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The last time Quinn had any sleep was during the journey from her hometown to London; ever since she woke up and found herself in Brad’s flat, she couldn’t find the heart to sleep, especially now that her grandmother has died

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The last time Quinn had any sleep was during the journey from her hometown to London; ever since she woke up and found herself in Brad’s flat, she couldn’t find the heart to sleep, especially now that her grandmother has died.

“I’m really sorry for your loss,” a newly awakened Brad, who saw that Quinn prepared them brunch, says after finding out the news, then Quinn sighs as she pokes on her roasted chicken breast, not knowing what to feel.

“Thank you,” Quinn finds the most polite words she can utter, then Brad takes a few bites of the meal Quinn prepared for him.

“Chicken’s really good. You should eat soon,” Brad says, then Quinn sighs.

“I’m not really hungry, thank you,” Quinn says, then Brad nods his head.

“Why did you not wake me up to take over?” Quinn asks Brad.

“I thought about going to Mac’s office so I can get my car and we can go our separate ways, but then I figured that your slumber could be the first time you’ve slept peacefully in ages considering the circumstances, so I made the effort to take you here instead of doing so. It’s not like I’m in a rush to get my car, anyway,” Brad says, then Quinn nods.

“I’m planning to go to her funeral. I was hoping you would tag along,” Quinn says, then Brad looks at her.

“When are they planning to have it?”

“On the weekend. They’re burying her as soon as possible but they’re also giving ample time for our other relatives to travel for the wake.”

“I honestly wish that I can, Quinn, but I’m supposed to promote our album all weekend with the boys,” Brad says, then Quinn sighs.

“Are you really sure you can’t come? I need someone with me to scare my uncle off and you’re the only person I can think of.”

“I would try and get out of work, but we already planned this months ago. The boys would find it weird if I don't show up all of a sudden.”

“Tell them that it’s for me. I’m your girlfriend, remember?”

“They also have girlfriends, Quinn. I don't think they ever skipped work because their girlfriends needed them.”

“Fine, then. If you don't want to come, then don’t. You don't have to look for excuses,” Quinn says, then Brad widens his eyes.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re trying to get out of this on purpose. If you really wanted to, you would do anything just so you can come. Remember when you stayed awake all night just to take me to Mammy and to take us home? When you skipped your single release party just to bring me food? Where is that Brad now?” Quinn asks, then Brad shakes his head.

“You’re overreacting. Look, I want to help and support you, but I just can't this weekend. I get it; it’s an important day for you and you don’t want to be there alone in case your uncle becomes the asshole that he is, but I have to do my job.”

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