Chapter 5. Lucoa's new master.

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No one's POV

right now, everyone is at home. It's a pretty rainy day. Tohru and Kanna are staring out the window while Ryder is cooking some soup in the kitchen.

Kobayashi: Ugh, will it ever stop raining?

Tohru then slides open the balcony door.

Tohru: Say no more... Aa-

Tohru then charges up to fire a beam into the sky but before she does, Ryder throws his sandal at Tohru, hitting her in the back of the head.

Ryder: The last time you did that, we got another dragon! We're not taking care of another damn dragon!

Tohru: You're the worst...

Ryder: I got another sandal I can throw, and I'll aim for your face this time!

Kobayashi: You two are like how siblings are...

(time skip)

After the rain is done, Lucoa has came over to tell them some news.

Ryder: So you're telling me, that you moved to this world?

Lucoa: Exactly.

Kobayashi: Why? Don't you have a home in your old world?

Lucoa: Well, sense I've been coming over more and travel is such a beast, I've decided to be closer here.

Ryder: Closer?

Lucoa: Yeah. I'm staying at someone's house not too far away from here, just like how Tohru is living here. Do you want to come by and see it?

Kobayashi: As long as it's okay. Sure.

Lucoa: Great, then you can help with the misunderstanding.

Ryder: What?

Lucoa: It's kinda funny. Our little mix up is a little bit of a part of why I'm staying here. It all started when I was on my way home and minding my business. 

Lucoa then starts to explain her living arrangements to Ryder, Kobayashi, Elma, And Tohru.

Ryder: So you really got summoned by some 4 year old and then said "Sure, I'll be your servent!"? That sounds like the stupidest reason I ever heard.

Lucoa: Don't be so judgy! Besides, his family is apart of some long line of mages, so it could wind up being good. And he's 11, not 4.

Kobayashi: Mind clarifying the misunderstanding you need us to clear up?

Lucoa: Yeah, theirs something in his head that makes him think I'm a demon.

Ryder: Then why hasn't he used a cross or holy water yet?

Lucoa: Look, could you just help and talk some sense into him?

(Time skip)

After they agreed to help out Lucoa, she then lead them to the place she's been staying at.

Lucoa: Here it is, guys. Shouta's house.

Lucoa then leads them inside past the living room.

Lucoa: Well, come on in!

Kobayashi: So, is it really okay?

Lucoa: I swear, no one is home yet. Just follow me, I'll show you the room upstairs I'm staying in. But do any of you want some tea?

Elma: Yes please!

Lucoa would then give Elma a cup of tea.

Kobayashi: Hey, Lucoa.

Lucoa: hm?

Kobayashi: We were starting to think you were a dragon like Tohru but now we're starting to think otherwise.

Lucoa: My bad, I forgot to tell you. I don't really have a category, but let's just say ex-goddess. Yeah, ex-goddess.

Ryder: Why ex?

Tohru: Because she was served cursed liquor and while she was drunk, she got-

Lucoa then covers Tohru's mouth.

Lucoa: Yeah, ha ha ha...

Elma: Oh yeah, I think I remember this story. I think she was forced out of being a goddess.

Ryder is just eating a tangerine while staring at the ceiling.

Kobayashi: Where'd you get that?

Ryder: I got lost.

Kobayashi: That doesn't even answer my question...

Then everyone hears the front door open.

Kobayashi: Looks like someone's home...

Lucoa: It's Shouta. He's the one who summoned me.

Lucoa then pulls up an astral projection of him

Lucoa then pulls up an astral projection of him

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