Chapter 14. The Emperor of Demise

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No one's POV


The scene starts off as Kobayashi is driving in the back of a taxi in the middle of the woods at around 2AM in the morning.

Kobayashi's thoughts: Damn it, Ryder. You could've let me know you were going to do this. Why do you think I gave you a cellphone? Pick up, already!

Kobayashi sets her phone down and looks at the taxi driver

Kobayashi: You can just drop me off here.

The taxi then stops as the taxi driver looks a bit scared

Taxi driver: Uh, okay then, sure. It's 8,810 yen.

Kobayashi: oh.

Kobayashi digs in her coat pocket and hands him the money. She then steps out the car before the taxi driver speaks up

Taxi driver: Ma'am! What are you doing so late out in the middle of nowhere?

Kobayashi: Don't worry. I'm not planning to do anything crazy... I think...

Kobayashi then starts to walk in the direction of Ryder's cellphone, sense she installed a tracking app on it because Ryder is a pro at getting lost

Kobayashi: That kid... What the heck is he even doing out here?


The scene changes to Ishiguro talking to the rest of the alive/conscious upper echelon members

Ishiguro: The sanctity of your sealed room is as amazing as always, Sakurai.

Sakurai: Of course it is. All Frivolities aside, what now? Do you plan on taking the captured ones in? Making them part of the upper echelon?

Ishiguro: You're jumping the gun. First, we need to brainwash them thoroughly.

???: Whoa, hold on a second, you guys.

Ishiguro and Sakurai turn to the red haired kid from before

???: You planning to turn decent talent into junk? Those prisoners will be recruited to HQ. It's a done deal.

Ishiguro: Hm... You're name is Suzuki, correct? I call the shots here in the Seventh Division, and that would include all personnel decisions.

Suzuki: I'll be taking them, especially that one. The mexican who's in that hoodie. We'll be great friends.

Sakurai then walks up to Suzuki with his hand on the handle of his sword

Sakurai: I suggest you quit acting like you're more than a temp trainee. I'm a bit blunter than the others.

Suzuki: Come on. Don't get so worked up. You're really upset about your coworkers being defeated? You guys must get along better than I thought.

Sakurai then puts his sword to Suzuki's neck, with no effect of Suzuki's mood

Suzuki: Lay off the sword play, old man. That was a compliment.

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