Good Writing Habits

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It's good to have an idea of writing habits. Let me introduce you to some habits you should develop or avoid when writing.

-Do NOT listen to music while writing. Okay, so I break this rule a lot, but I have to admit, I have a hard time writing when I am. The key to writing for some people is to hear the words they're about to write. Anyways, it's extremely distracting and, trust me, you'll notice a big difference in writing.

-If you listen to music for inspiration, listen to a bit of music, get inspired, then turn it off and write. Just don't attempt the two at the same time. I'm not saying it isn't possible to do the two, but I AM saying that you'll have a clear mind if you follow this.

-If you plan to sit down and write for an hour or two, it  might be a good idea to meditate for about 15 minutes beforehand. In writing, it's important to have a clear mindset, and meditation is a good way to get your nerves or emotions on a stable level.

-On the otherhand, if you have words practically screaming for you to write down, then DO IT. Humans forget things eventually. Don't regret it. Write down everything until the words quiet down. I cannot express how important this is. You will hate yourself forever if you don't, and we don't want that.

-Write consistently. I'm a hypocrite for saying this speaking that I haven't actually sat down and written anything in months (which I'm about to change, actually,) but anyways, it's extremely important to keep those creativity juices flowing. When they die, they might not come back for a while. On top of that, I must note: there are a lot of real-life situations that can prevent you from writing. Age, emotions, job, school, life, etc.

Just as an example, I'll use myself. I started writing a fantasy story about a year and a half ago. As I got older, I lost interest in fantasy.

-Continuing from the previous tip, write down these things. Write. Pause all your projects and just write whatever. Keep writing. Just trust me.

-Be PATIENT. Patience is the most important key in writing, I personally believe. It's like reading. You just want to hurry up and get to the end where they have a happily ever after. When you're writing, don't rush. Take your time. Like Squidward once said, "Art cannot be rushed," or something like that. If you want best results, don't stress out and try to write the whole thing out in one sitting. Be patient with yourself and your story. It takes time.

Now, because you've been an amazing reader and read to this part of the guide, I want to let you in on a huge, and I mean HUGE writing secret. You wanna know?

Don't answer that...I already know you do.

Well, are you ready? Because I am.

The secret to writing is in this guide...


Yes. I said it. Be a rebel and break the rules, but not all of them.

Why would you even say such a thing? What's gotten into you?!

When I say "break the rules," I mean it. Break some rules. Do something different. Take a risk. Most of the time you'll probably fail, but you might have the chance of doing something that makes your story a hit.

Now, what do I apply to this "breaking the rules" to? Well, it could be opening sentences, book covers, applying characters, prologues. You can break a rule according to however you think your story will work the best. You can receive amazing results! If you think you can pull it off, then do it. Don't break the rule "just because you feel like it." Be reasonable. Rules were made to be broke, right? Just don't break them for no reason!

Hopefully these words will assist you in your Wattpad journey, because I must admit that our journey together will probably come to a close soon. Not yet, but almost. I'll cover a few more topics then you can take your first steps out of the nest! But for now...

-OrangeGuy out!

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