Who Are You? Managing Your Profile

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Since you've continued reading, you must be enjoying the guide. That's great! We will start off with your profile. This is something everyone must read; newbies, veterans, readers, cover makers, critiques, and writers alike.

Believe it or not, your profile is important. If used correctly, it can keep the right people in and the bad ones out. If you are new to Wattpad, you are probably still getting used to the buttons so your profile is probably empty. You may not think much about it, but let's say for instance someone comes across your profile and they just absolutely loved a comment you wrote on someone's story. Then they see a blank profile.


Even if you are a super private person, like me, you can put something on your profile. Your profile is also the way people know you aren't gone. If you come across someone who hasn't said a word in 2 years, it's probably because they aren't at Wattpad anymore. Or just incredibly busy. I hope you see my point.

Now you want your profile to have something on it, but you don't know what. Even if you have something on it, does it reflect You? Even if it does reflect you, does it look nice? Even if it looks nice, does this reflect You?

Ehm, you said that twice, OrangeGuy.

Yes, I said it twice because that is the most important factor. You. If it isn't reflecting you, then all you're doing is lying to everyone who comes across your profile, including yourself. Lying to yourself is very unhealthy. Be happy with who you are, because there's nobody like you but You.

Let's start with a profile picture.

Your profile picture can be anything. Take a selfie or a picture of your dog, cat, or favorite One Direction member. It can be anything, but don't stick with the Wattpad presets for very long. For those on mobile devices, you have it easy. You can take a picture right there and then. On PC or laptop users, you must upload your picture from your camera/phone, the Web, etc.

New Wattpaders on Mobile: If you decide to do this right now, press back until you are to the home page, but don't forget to save this to your library! Afterwards, tap the head of a person at the bottom right of the page.

From there you can change your picture by clicking the circle above your user name.

Congratulations on your new profile picture! I'm so proud of you! Now about your user name..

Your username is something you should/should've done when you first made an account. Be sure that the username you have is one you are happy with. As you write stories and/or follow/be followed, changing your username may confuse many people. Their thoughts will be: Hey, I don't remember following that person, why should I follow him/her anymore? Then they will unfollow you. We don't want that happening.

If you are in this case, however, make sure you send a message to all your followers stating your previous user name and maybe even why you changed it. If you plan to change your username, head to Settings then tap Account. Or, on mobile, go to the same page where you changed your profile and tap on the gear icon at the top right. From there you can change your username.

Now you could be in a bigger problem. What if your old username is branded into your story's cover, and you didn't make it, and you don't know who the maker was or they don't have the cover anymore? Perhaps you should consider changing covers for your story(s).

But I love my covers.

Well, either deal with your old user name being stuck there or break the bond and get a new one. Or give the cover (if you have it) to the maker (if you know them) and see if they can adjust it accordingly.

This is why you must choose early on. Don't want to be in a pickle like that, do you? And if you are, I feel for you because I've been there.

The About Me section. You may have the urge to fill it, but with what?

Well, this is where you can get creative. Talk about anything! Talk about how much you love Wattpad. Talk about your hatred for cyber-bullying. Just make sure it reflects You.

I'm going to use myself for this example. I'm a very private person, but if you knew me and I knew you we can become best buds. For this reason, I keep personal information limited, but have a warming touch to my profile, where you can learn all about me and my writing.

Another example, except this will be completely fictional. This person doesn't like people and is tends to be judgemental. She always has something negative to say and is easily annoyed but loves people that love cats. Well, she isn't going to say, "I love to talk! Message me if you're up for a good chat."

No! She gets annoyed easily, so if she wants people to stay away then she makes a repealing page to everyone except cat lovers, whom she wants to attract.

This is also a really great spot to place your Social Media. Put your Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook links on here if you want to be followed or friended. Be wary when you do this because you have strangers looking and possibly even stalking your life. Expect the unexpected.

How about that personal information section?

This is where you can put very simple things such as your birthday, name, gender, and location. With location, you don't even have to put your real one! Put Lalaland or Narnia. It can give away your personality a bit. If you decide to put your real location, however, be brief. Do NOT put your street address, for this is extremely dangerous. You have the option to keep all this private to yourself or open to everyone, of course.

Lastly, your background picture.

This feature of your profile is also not required. If you feel like your profile looks a little bland, then spice it up with a background of whatever you feel is right.

Now you have this beautiful profile that reflects You, and that's what matters.

Before we end this session, I want to point out several things that can be viewed on a PC/laptop through your profile page. You can view your message board, your works, followers, those you follow, and so much more! Explore the profile area a little. Get comfortable with it, because this is your profile. Your power. Your world.

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