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Photos and Videos

In the case you haven't noticed, you have the ability to add pictures or videos to your story. At first, I had a personal bias against this, but now I have come to the conclusion that it has the potential to bring a bit more "umph" to your story.

Why the need for a photo or video?

I want to discuss the need for a photo before I answer that.

A photo, in my opinion, should not be a part of the story in any way. In other words, you should be able to remove the picture without any effect on the story. It should be a supporting detail. A little visual aid, because Wattpad is unlike any other reading source available.

However, this is where my bias comes in. If you have a photo of your main character, you ruin the point of trying to paint a picture in your reader's head. Your readers should be able to come up with their own image of the character using the words you've given them. As much as you want a picture, it's all about your readers. Don't ruin their image, which brings me back to the question at hand. Why?

I personally use photos if I have a banner for a particular chapter OR if I find something related to the chapter. For example, a quote which inspires the chapter. It can add that extra effect for a nice touch to your story. Now, videos.

I've only seen music videos applied to stories. This I have no bias towards. Music videos are commonly seen when there's song lyrics (which play a part in the plot) or if the song matches the mood of the chapter. Again, it adds that extra touch your story might need. Take advantage of your situation.

Cast of Characters

Now, the Cast of Characters is another feature of Wattpad, but unlike the ability to add pictures, I have a strong hatred for it.

Why so negative? I can turn celebrities into my characters?

Exactly why I hate it. It ruins the image. You need to be a writer and create the character yourself. Using a celebrity everyone else is using...well...is a rather lazy way to describe your characters. Your characters are your characters. Create your own image. This isn't Hollywood and you aren't filming a movie. Celebrities have their area, but that area isn't in books. Make your own characters. Don't ruin your reader's imagination with a common celebrity image.


This is something rather important. Dedicating a story to a loyal reader or your favorite author or friend is a great way to show your good-authormanship. I mean, it's just a good habit to get into. You really should dedicate things to loyal readers and friends. Seriously. Why would you not? In fact, when you dedicate, that dedication is seen on the page of whoever you dedicate it to, so you'll be getting your story out there for all to see! It's a win win for everyone!

Well, that wraps up this section. See ya next time!


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