Everyone's Guide to Wattpad

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Believe it or not, every time you click your mouse, tap your screen, or press a key, you change the Wattpad world. Wattpad is a digital world where you can read millions of stories throughout several subjects. Best part? It's free!


Yes, you heard me correctly. Free.

Maybe you are interested in changing the Wattpad world. Maybe you are interested in the free stories at your fingertips. Whatever the case may be, this guide will assist you on that goal.

After all, this is the place where you can inspire or be inspired. Share your thoughts and read a story while interacting with your Wattpad friends.

Maybe you want to write a story. How wonderful...but hold up! You know nothing about Wattpad, even if you do, you may not even know how to write one. Even if you know how to write one, what if it isn't written correctly? Even if it's written correctly, have you smashed every single flaw in your story to where it's perfection? Of course not!

Let's not be off to a bad start, though (we will talk about that later), I will assist you in your travels through Wattpad. Every little step through the way.

Now you veterans out there, don't think you're exempted from this guide just because you've been here longer.

Well what am I supposed to be doing then?

There's an entire community right at your fingertips, and a lot are struggling. Give advice to newcomers, support a struggling author and his/her story, or anything! Whatever you do, don't be doing nothing. We all encounter that story that needs major improvement, and we wish if this or that would be fixed.

Instead of wishing, how about doing. Everyone is open to advice, and if you aren't, then be open. Give the author a friendly message through personal messaging, or known as PM. Remember to not give them advice on the storyline, only on the physical appearance of it. How about a good example:

GoodOrange: Hey there OrangeGuy! I read your story "Everyone's Guide to Wattpad" and noticed a few thing that could be corrected, such as a missing comma and so forth. Firstly, I couldn't help but notice how you have author's notes between every part, and sometimes in the middle of paragraphs (A/N: Never do this, we will talk about this at a later date.) I found it slightly bothering as it was keeping me out of the "zone" every time I went to a new chapter. As these are a bit dated, I advise that you delete these notes to prevent people from being drawn out from your story.

Next, you had a mispelling in the first part of your story, down where you were doing an example of a personal message, about the second paragraph. You typed "mispelling" wrong, as it should be "misspelling", although I could see where you were confused.

Lastly, I just wanted to let you know that you are awesome and I hope you continue writing your awesome guide. If you have any more questions just ask, hope this helps!

OrangeGuy: I will have these fixed ASAP. Thanks for letting me know. This helps a lot!

And there we have it. Not too hard, is it? Short, sweet, simple. What more could we ask? Now here's a bad example:

EvilOrange: Your guide SUCKS! Not to mention you are a HYPOCRITE. In the very start you go on and write an example of personal messaging, saying what you shouldn't do and stuff. Well you said no author's notes in the middle of a paragraph but then went right on ahead and did an author's note after that sentence.

Then you just HAD to talk about misspelling words, but not everyone in the world is great at spelling.

You should think twice before posting hog-wash like this.

OrangeGuy: *Blocks EvilOrange*

EvilOrange: You haven't heard the last of me!

Maybe we will see the three oranges later but remember: never insult somebody or their works. It's extremely rude and you immediately get on their bad side. Remember, this is the Internet. Think twice before you type.

Now you have finished reading the intro to the Guide, and believe it or not, finished your first lesson in the process. With an exception of this, I will be posting in a sequencing order from joining Wattpad to finishing your first story, if you plan to be writing.

Why listen to me in the first place? Well, you don't have to. I admit that I don't have hot stories, but with my experiences in writing and Wattpad, I know many mistakes I have done both as a reader and writer. So, if you aspire to become an awesome author or a reader everyone is dying to have, follow this guide. I want to prevent you from making the same mistakes I made.

Before I close, I want to leave this part of the guide as a suggestion page of what you want to see in the guide. If there are any mistakes, please shoot me a message. I'm always open for feedback!

Thanks for reading. I hope you'll join me on this journey through Wattpad.


Everyone's Guide to WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now