Author's Notes

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Author's notes are a big deal. They should be used only in the most rarest occasions. We all have seen/will see a story that has an author's note in every corner. If you are this type of person, I highly recommend you read this section.

An Author's Note is a note from an author to the reader. They should be used rarely, and never is even better. Why is this?

It turns the reader off. If you were into, like, into, the story, I doubt that you'll want to turn the page to see: HEYYYY THERE. I AM SOOOoO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. My grandmother's daughter's daughter had to go to the E.R....

Firstly, we don't care. It might sound harsh, but we really don't care. It's good to respect people but we don't want every excuse under the sun why you didn't update. It's even worse if you don't delete them.

If you post author's notes often and don't delete them, then imagine how often you are turning the reader off. I, personally, look at the table of contents if the story starts off with an author's note. If I see author's notes everywhere, I don't read it. Enough ranting; let's see what we can do about them.

When Do I Use Them?

The best answer to this question is never. However, if you haven't updated in a year, an author's note could be used. Say something simple, such as: I'm sorry for going missing. My laptop broke and since I didn't have the funds to buy a new one, I had to earn the money for a new one. I hope you'll start reading again!

Simple, with a reasonable excuse on why he or she went missing for so long. You are not done there. When you post the next chapter, erase the author's note. That way you don't turn your reader off on the transition between chapters.

What Should I Put in an Author's Note?

Instead of answering this, since I just answered it, I will tell you a few things you should not put in author's notes.

-Don't do some crazy trivia. There are some out there that are like: What is my favorite color? Whoever guesses correctly will get promoted! Don't do that. Ever. It looks unprofessional, immature, and annoying.


Do we really want to see that? Really? I just want to read a story. You get annoyed when you are watching a really good movie but then there's a commercial break. What's the difference? Don't answer that. What if Susanne Collins had an author's note saying (Spoiler Alert if you haven't read Book 1): OMG guys I'm SO sorry for killing off the tributes from District 9. Just keep reading to find out what happens to the others ;)

Again, I will stop ranting. I hope these examples can convince you enough to get rid of your notes.

I Want To Delete My Notes, But What Should I Do?

I'm glad you made this decision, and for that I will give you the next step. Go through all your stories and delete all the author's notes. All of them. Your story will look more professional and your readers will be hooked all the way through, if you wrote a story like that. That's the goal, isn't it?

At the end of the day, or lesson, you should be very careful when using author's notes. I use author's notes on occasion, but I delete them when I post the next chapter. Author's notes might seem like such a small obstacle, but they add up, and most your audience is counting.

This should help. OrangeGuy out.

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