Elements of Writing

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I have good news and bad news. I would offer you a choice, but since I can only word it one way I have to break the good news first.

I'm back with a new topic of writing, and it will actually include writing. There's the good news.

Bad news is that there won't be any actual writing this subject. This is an introduction to the next several topics. But, you won't go without a lesson today. Every cloud has its silver lining!

What will we talk about then?


Why did I put it in capital letters? Well, this is the most important part of writing. It's what makes writing an art. I cannot, in a literal sense, teach it to you but I can show it to you. You are the writer, the author, the artist. I can't tell you what to paint, but I can show you how to hold the paintbrush.

Stop talking in metaphors and get to the topic already.

Simply, I cannot show you how you write, but I can show you the elements of writing.

Ever watched Shrek? Remember when he said "ogres are like onions?" Well, writing is like an onion too. It has layers. These layers are the elements.

What is an Element of Writing?

An element of writing is, like I said, what makes writing an art. How you approach each of these is completely up to you. Without these things, your story will be flavorless. Bland. Dull. These are like fundamentals. I hope I've expressed how important these things are.

Drumroll, please.

The list is as follows:

Character Development



Dialogue(We've already talked about this subject, but it affects all the other elements.)




These elements should sound familiar to you, but if they aren't, then you're at the right place. We will cover all these elements in following lessons.

Again, this is just an introduction. I sure hope this will prepare you for the next stage of writing. Remember: The elements are imperative for the success of your story. OrangeGuy out!

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