The Monkey And The Pussy Cat

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The Monkey ran because he knew that he could get eaten by the Gorilla Wife and that he couldn't eat her because she was too big to fit in his mouth.

Gorilla Wife grabbed him and held him tightly in her fist. She tried to swallow him, but as Gorilla Wife put him in her mouth, he peed and pooped the sh*t out of him.

Gorilla Wife spat him out and as Gorilla Wife spat him out, she saw his eyes and realized that the Monkey was JamBam, her long lost son from a Different Gorilla 0.0.

She hugged him and apologized to him for trying to eat him. JamBam the Monkey accepted her apology and Gorilla Wife accepted his apology for eating her husband and they walked to the Gorilla Wife's Tree.

There, JamBam met Boomzoom, Gorilla Wife's adopted Pussy Cat. JamBam was happy to meet Boomzoom because JamBam never had a friend except me, his awesome owner, but Boomzoom didn't like JamBam because Boomzoom was a bad pussy cat who was jealous of JamBam becuase he knew that JamBam would be Gorilla Wife's favorite.

One Day, JamBam went out to get Bananas from a Banana Tree near a River when Boomzoom thought of an idea. Boomzoom would push JamBam down the river so JamBam would die. But as Boomzoom was climbing the tree to push JamBam down, he fell down the river instead. JamBam saw him fall and started laughing because Boomzoom was a stupid a** Pussy Cat who was clumsy. Boomzoom died because he got eaten by an Alligator in the River.


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