Go Nuts Over Coconuts!

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Go Nuts Over Coconuts!

Barney and Baby Bop ate more Animals and Humans and JamBam realizes that the only way to beat Barney and Baby Bop is to join forces with the Humans.

The A.P.E. and Human leaders agreed and they joined forces against the evil duo they named Barneybopzilla.

In the process, they realized that in order to beat Barneybopzilla, they needed help from the creator of Barney and Baby Bop. JamBam quickly remembered Jadyne and later found her.

JamBam: Jadyne! We need your help to beat Barney and Baby Bop since you created them and know them.
Jadyne: Ok, I will do whatever it takes to get revenge on Barney, but there's one problem, I never invented Baby Bop.
JamBam: Then who invented Baby Bop?
Jadyne: My Workmate named Sia.
JamBam: So where do we find her?
Jadyne: She actually lives near the place Barney and Baby Bop are at right now.
JamBam: Ok, lets go!

JamBam and Jadyne later find Sia and asks her to help. Sia agrees and JamBam takes them to where Barneybopzilla is at. Jadyne and Sia both agree that in order to take them down, they must fling large amounts of coconuts at Barneybopzilla because coconuts are Barneybopzilla's allergies.

Jadyne and Sia were later given 2 planes which they fill with coconut meat. They both fly it on top of Barneybopzilla and drop the coconuts on Barneybopzilla.

In the process, it killed Baby Bop but only left Barney seriously injured. This led to Barney grabbing Jadyne's plane and destroying it.

Jadyne was unhurt, but just as she opened her parachute, Barney grabbed her tightly in his fist.

Sia: Nooooo! Jadyneeee!!!
Jadyne: See ya, Sia. We will see each other soon, but for now, remember this. I will always remember you as my co-worker who had
thick skin and an elastic heart. Goodbye.
*Barney kills Jadyne*
Sia: Noooo.
*Barney then grabs Sia's plane and starts destroying it, killing Sia too.*

Meanwhile, Kelly, a girl who lives in the city and happened to be at a shop near the place where Barneybopzilla attacked, came to the scene and overheard soldiers saying that the coconuts were not enought to kill Barney.

She then remembered that she had just bought a box of coconuts which she left in the trunk of her mom's car. Kelly retrieved the box from her mom's car and climbed on top of a very tall building that was very close to Barney.

Kelly threw the box at Barney, killing him.
"I wasn't only invented by Jadyne" Barney said before dying.

Everyone soon celebrates that A.P.E. and the Humans are now friends, but suddenly, a weird looking monkey appears.

"I am Mojo Jojo and I created Barney and Baby Bop to be evil." Everyone looked at him with shock and fear. Thun Thun Thunnnnn

Gorilla Wife: That's impossible. Jadyne and Sia were the ones who created Barney and Baby Bop.
Mojo Jojo: You Stupid Gorilla, didn't you hear Barney say he wasn't only invented by Jadyne before he died? I was the other one who
created him, along with Baby Bop. You see, everytime Jadyne and Sia went home to go to sleep, I'd sneak in Disneyland and sabotage
the programming of Barney and Baby Bop to make them evil so that I could get rid of the stupid Power Puff Girls, who are now old and
are no longer a threat to me. But whatever, because I will now have world domination. *Evil Laugh + Kris Aquino Laugh* Ha. Ha. Ha.

*Random person shoots Mojo Jojo*
*Mojo Jojo dies because of his stupidity of not wearing bullet proof

Everyone rejoices at Mojo Jojo's death.


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