3AM Tea Party

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Chapter 10: 3AM Tea Party

Later on that night, everyone threw a party to celebrate the Animals and the Humans' victory. In the party, at around 3AM, Gorilla Wife saw JamBam alone.

Gorilla Wife: Hey there, JamBam!
JamBam: Hey, mom.
Gorilla Wife: Why do you look so sad?
JamBam: I feel sad because many lives were lost these past few weeks...

Rafiki from the Lion King suddenly appeared and started talking to them.

"It was all destiny, young one. If it weren't for the Monkey Business that happened with Mojo Jojo, Boots, and the others, we wouldn't
have realized that the Animals and the Humans needed each other." Rafiki told JamBam.

"You're right! Now I know that these lives weren't just lost for a silly reason." JamBam said gleefully.

"So, do you guys wanna go with me to grab some hot tea?" Rafiki asked.
"Hot Tea? Who drinks hot tea at 3AM?" Gorilla Wife snapped.

Suddenly, an old fat man and a young teenage boy arrived at the scene and they could control (or should i say 'bend') fire and lightning.

"We are always up for some tea, Rafiki." The old man says.

"Ok then, Uncle Iroh, I know you love your tea." Rafiki said. "Will Zuko be joining us?"

"Yes, Zuko will be joining us." The Old Man with the name of Uncle Iroh said.
"But Uncle, I need to capture the Avatar to restore my honor first." The Teenaged boy protested.

They all went and had a tea party happily knowing that the humans and the animals now value each other because of all the Monkey Business that happened.

*Not Related to the Story* *Somewhat Like After Credits*
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One Year Later, JamBam and Gorilla Wife were at the South Pole when they saw a young girl and her brother discover a boy and his flying bison in an Iceberg. They later on see Zuko and Uncle Iroh again.

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