Jurrasic Forest

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It all started one day ago, when i was working at a Science Lab for Disney Land, the World Economy was down and almost nobody wanted to go to Amusement Parks because almost everyone was loosing large amounts of money. My bosses were loosing large amounts too due to large operating costs, and they told me that i needed to create an attraction that was somehow 'Alive', or else i would have to loose my job. I decided i needed to recreate a Dinosaur,
that was unique to Disney Land only so no one else could copy it, and,
After subjecting DNA from Dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes, i named it Barneous Rex and after a few months, my Dinosaur was created as an attraction to children of the ages 3-6. It was designed to look like Barney of the infamous TV show, hence the name. But, With a failed result of programming, it started to change in form and turned out to be a failure with only slight relevance to the purple dinosaur. Instead, it emerged as a moster with razor-sharp fangs, and the Eye of the Tiger but my owners decided to keep it because it was still earning them money. One Day, it managed to escape its cage and started to kill the people who came to see it, it killed everyone except me as i was spared, barely, with a scar on my arm. And, After a quick scientific analysis, the problem proved not to be mutation but sabotage, as the blood of an indominous rex was added before its final sequence. The Barneous Rex disappeared, and has since been killing dozens of people. I've been tracking it for years hoping to seek revenge for what it did to dozens of people, one of which is my Boyfriend, Wisdom Dee.


Jadyne: So, are you gonna kill me now because i am human?

As Jadyne stops telling the flashback, JamBam, Gorilla Wife, and the other leaders of A.P.E. start discussing.

JamBam: So what do we do know? She is human, should we kill her?
Gorilla Wife: Yeah she is human, but im having a feeling we need her,
only she can track Barney.
Courage the Cowardly Dog: Yes i agree, if Barney does proove to be
an even bigger threat, we will need her.
Benny: So do we let her go?
Everyone: Yes

A.P.E. Decides to let Jadyne go after hearing her flashback and continues training, hoping Barney wouldnt get in the way.


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