The Jungle Games: Catching Apes

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As JamBam went to Gorilla Wife's Tree, he noticed thousands of Animals, big and small, from Cows to Horses to Unicorns to Penguins headed to Gorilla Wife's Tree. As he climbed up the tree, he saw his mom talking to numerous some Mature-Looking animals and overheard them talking about a Rebellion against the humans. He stepped in and asked what's happening.

"Mom, what's happening here?" JamBam asked worriedly.
"JamBam, I am the leader of a rebellion called A.P.E., or Animals Preseve Existence." explained Gorilla Wife.

"You see, JamBam, for Centuries, humans have been torturing us with cruelty and wickedness. We were abducted from our homes and taken for their food, our skin skinned for their bags and clothes, and even used for silly beliefs. That is why I, along with the other leaders of A.P.E., joined this rebellion to end this cruelty. These humans killed your father, JamBam, do you even know how they killed him?" Gorilla
Wife said angrily.

"Mother Gorilla, how did they kill him?" JamBam asked.

*FLASHBACK* thun thun thun
Narrator: It all started 10 years ago, when your father Boots had a human friend named Dora...


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