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Ch. 32: Scandal

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We picked up lunch on our way back to the office since we got delayed at the Marramount

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We picked up lunch on our way back to the office since we got delayed at the Marramount. I would've liked to take her out for a nice lunch, but we didn't have time and she agreed to go to dinner with me. That will make up for it.

The thought of taking her to my favorite places makes me happy. I haven't taken anyone on a real date before. Sure, I've been to dinners, mostly in group settings, and there's been a shared meal with the occasional woman, but that was all it was. A shared meal. Definitely not wining and dining like I want to, for Valerie.

I want to impress her and hope she'll let me. I'll arrange a babysitter myself if I have to. Whatever it takes. This woman has me going out of my fucking mind.

Sex with Valerie is out of this world. I can't get enough. But it's not only that, it's how she makes me want more. And not just more sex, but more time with her.

The elevator dings and I let Valerie step out ahead of me. She does so with a small smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes. She's been a little quiet since the call she took at the Marramount. Whoever it was must have rattled her. I asked if she was okay and she said she was. Yet she doesn't seem like herself.

"I'll get it," I say as Valerie reaches for the door to the C Suites and move to step around her, but she just throws a glance over her shoulder and grabs the door handle.

"Your hands are full," she says and pulls the door open like it's silly of me to think otherwise. To her, me trying to be a gentleman is impractical. I am carrying our lunches, so she'll grab the door. It does make sense, but it also makes me feel like I'm not doing what I'm supposed to. Yes, I have a bag of food in one hand, and documents from the general contractor in my other one, but I'm still perfectly capable of opening a door. But I've also come to realize that Valerie is fiercely independent. She's capable of taking care of herself and others without help. So I let it go and step inside, promising myself that when I get the chance I'll do all I can to help her out and take care of her the way she cares for others.

"Preston!" My father yells from his office as soon as soon as the door closes behind us. "Come here."

Valerie gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'll put the food in your office," she says and reaches for the bag.

We both know I can't make a detour to my office to put the food down, so I hand her our lunches and go straight to my father's office.

"Hey, Dad," I say as I step inside. He sits behind his massive desk with the view of the downtown behind him.

I don't get a hello, or any kind of greeting, just "How did it go? Any problems?"

I force back a sigh. "No, I think we'll be fine. Everything has been installed. The contractors are going through the building and finishing up the punch list items."

He nods, and I watch with relief how his hard expression softens and the wrinkle between his eyes smooths out.

"Good, good," he says. "So we'll be ready for the open house." It's not a question but a statement because that's the only way he knows. And what he says goes. It always has and always will.

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by Annica Dahl
After embellishing her resume, Valerie-a single mom-lands a job as an...
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