The Quarrel

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They say arguments are meant to be healthy with the ones you love. Often it leads to a pathway of destruction, when we start walking into that direction they say relationships can be savable with actions we do or the words we say to our significant others; We learn to agree to disagree with another, the results doesn't turn out so fancy; However, if we learn to balance towards what we argue, we can move forward.

Just because we get an argument it doesn't mean we are looking for that victory of proving one wrong; It's about achieving the bond you share for one another. We don't say I love you because it's something you we all want to hear; We say it because we have patience. No matter how hard the circumstances can be, we do everything we can to make love survive for each other.

Not all relationships will be perfect, their will always be a flaw. As years go by, their will always be a debate about something and it can be about anything. People change as they grow old. Always have mutual agreement never forced. A healthy relationship will always survive if you work as a team; As oppose being independent. If relationships don't survive it's not because you failed; It's because it wasn't meant to be. So, you ask yourself how do we move on with life?

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