Chapter 14.1: When Curves Meats Challenge

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                Curves have been the eye for man for many centuries; However, most have been underestimated. Many of us have taken them for granted or some have been abused emotionally and physically. The shadows of the past carry on to us like an anchor; It's heavy and drags you down from when the moments you love. The bad times develops, we feel discouraged, or just give up. But it doesn't prevent us to find the love of our future; Once we finish searching we feel wholeness of ourselves.

               Clara always does her same routine every morning; She goes out for a wonderful jog, does her crunches, along with her jumping jacks. Changing her health by eating healthy and keeping physically active she had gotten over her break up of her ex boyfriend; Who always mocked her in front of her friends, saying negative comments of her body all because her butt is too big and catching him sleeping with another woman in his bed.


            I have always had a weakness for going for a man who has muscles along with a six pack and just falling for the words I want to hear. Little does it know I didn't use my head half the time and always wound up in a unhealthy relationship and just pretending I was happy. But little did I know I was wrong about that.

             Clara has always gone for the athletic guys in college, went for handsome bartenders and even went out with trainers at the gym but all of them just turned out to be a statistic. Many of the guys feel because she's blonde, short and curvy jogging in her tight tang top booty shorts and tattoos running down her neck down her back and hips; They think she can easily be fooled. Well they were wrong and turns out they did not meet her needs; She doesn't want a man who just thinks she's just some piece of meat or just a busty Portuguese blonde woman being told what to do for pleasurable favors.

             Her best friend would always be there through thick and thin; Throughout high school and living in the same foster home where they met. They even went to the same college together and were roommates while getting her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Since they have been unconditional in their friendship despite what others think.

               One night, just as she was working a graveyard shift, she bumps into a mutual acquaintance from high school who she hasn't seen for ten years since they lost touch. He turned out to be patient of hers. As Clara approaches him while he is sleeping; She notices several changes with him, his arms look well toned, his chest firm, lifting his sheets she glares at his tight abs admiring his pale body. Waking up she immediately apologizes.


              Wow bumping into Clara after all these years; I didn't think I would ever see this beautiful lady in a nurses outfit. I use to remember lots made fun of her big framed glass and  butt, I always thought it was cute but she always went for different guys guess they never met her needs, I don't understand  why she gets heartbroken so easily. I hope she didn't notice me getting hard as she lifted the sheets.

                As she kindly reads the results to him; He suffers through lots of stress in the body and lacks a lot of sleep for the reasons why his was body going into shock, informing him he should rest more and do some hobbies to render the stress out of his body. For he barely watches his health due to the work at his Waste Management Company and for the business being passed down from his father.

               Keeping him overnight at the hospital which she strongly insisted on; As she makes notes of him, she only thinks of guilt on how they departed their ways from one another.


                I just don't know why I rejected him from casual dates; I should have said yes to him from prom but I guess I was too ashamed to be with him and now I feel things are just too awkward between us both. I mean he was tall and skinny; Great Basketball player of course being six foot and seven inches. I did feel sorry for him when they called him awful names to him just because he was so skinny and no muscles. I should have protected him.


              I am not mad at her for what she did or just giving me a straight answer. I just wanted to hang out with her and be friends. But we hung out in different crowds and we were the opposite of one another. But what did we know we were just sixteen years old at the time.

              After having a long talk with one another and exchanging apologies; They developed a beautiful relationship better than ten years ago. They laughed and smiled at the moments they shared from the past and even after high school what they went through. Astounded with each other they just couldn't stop the wonderful bond they had as of now.

               As Clara leaves him to rest, Daan kisses her hand for being the sweet lady she is and wishing her a beautiful evening and break. Clara blushes to know there is a man out there who respects who she is, she had thoughts of wanting to spend time with him after he gets discharged in the morning.


             Wow after knowing him all this time I should have just gone for him, I was such a fool. But I do love the way he's aged tall, well toned and love this flat stomach of his. He left me very curious during my break; I was starting to wonder if he cooks? or does he enjoy watching romantic movies? If he did any of that with me I would have presented a nice and sexy dessert for him and I am not talking sweets either.


            Goodness I just had to dream of her all night feeling so real or maybe it was the medication she gave me ? I have always known she was always kinky and very adventurous. Always wanted to experience a woman with a very wild energy that just never stops. The thought of her being with her in the bedroom, can't stop thinking about it. I really hope she does wake me up in the morning.

              As the morning sun rises, Clara walks in to check up on Daan to see how he is doing and the words that comes out of her mouth quietly as she looks through his sheets "Oh my God" Gazing at what she sees, approaching closer to get a better glimpse, biting her lips having naughty thoughts running wildly in her mind.

A sexy conclusion.....

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