✨Have a talk with Xhiphs

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Assalamualaikum! Xhiphs is here!

This night, I nak tanya la.

1) Storyline yang macam mana yang make you turn off nak baca?

✨Kalau xhiphs, paling menyampah kalau baca MC (main characters) terpaling perfect, terpaling cold. And you know it worst when he say,

"babygirl" 😭😭😭 WHYYY

Tapi, yang mana kenal xhiphs in real life/dalam dunia maya, xhiphs memang malas nak baca cerita2 wattpad.

Kalau macam baca random2, kawan suggest baca, i'll try my best to put some effort nak rajin kan diri membaca 😂

Baca story2 wattpad pun kdg2 untuk kerja, xhiphs sedar penulisan xhiphs masih low and I'm tryin to improve my writing. eheks

Second question!!

2) Korang selalu baca wattpad hari apa?

This question really important for me, Xhiphs selalu pening. Tak tahu nak publish cerita hari apa.

'What should i do today? editing? sambung tulis draft? sambung curah idea? should i rest?'

since xhiphs ada masa untuk menaip ✨author talks✨ alang2 tu kita borak2 la, kita tanya soalan, sekali2 boleh kenal each other 😂

jadi itu aje ler borak kite harini. Xhiphs pun esk ade 'krja' so tataa~


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