Ch-2:Hang out

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Author POV:
With arguments, chit-chat and ofcourse lectures 4 hours passed, it was now around 1:30, their lunch time, and all 4 were going together towards canteen. Abhigyan was the one due to which Rudrakash and Inaya have to tolerate each other. In their way to canteen except Rudrakash, all 3 were busy in talking. Finally canteen came and they sat on 6 person table as per availability after taking their plates from counter.

Inaya POV:
There was complete silence among us when we settled back to have our lunch, though all around noise can be heard easily but from us 4 not a single voice. This made me feel sick! I can't help myself but break silence as I hate it.

Author POV:
"Lavanya , Abhigyan and you Mister, I was thinking to let's go out tonight? It's first day and we don't have enough to do so can chill out infact I and Lavanya were already going, so you guys too join us "

"Let's go , nice idea Inaya" Abhigyan said in interested tone making Inaya happy.

"Yes" Lavanya replied

"No" Rudrakash said while taking a morsel in a casual way.

"Why you have to be rude? Be a HUMAN chill and enjoy " Inaya said while making faces.

"You guys go" Rudrakash said focusing on his food

"I am sorry, I am not going if he isn't " Abhigyan said making Inaya angry.

"May I know the reason Mr. Rathore?"
Inaya said trying to be as calm as she can.

"Why should I tell you?" Rudrakash said with smirk

"I am not a scared kitten like before remember Mr. Rathore, so don't try to play tricks on me" being bold she replied

"What I did?" Being innocent he asked

"You--huhh leave it, for now you are coming otherwise Abhigyan wouldn't join and I don't want that"

"Is that an order?"

"I don't know"

"Miss then listen, I am not coming"

"You are" Inaya stood up with jerk

"NO" Rudrakash too stood up.








"Guys stop arguing like a kid, Rudrakash say yes please" Abhigyan said after realizing people were watching them.

"Fine" Saying this irritatingly Rudrakash left the place.
Abhigyan followed him and soon after, Inaya and Lavanya too went in their room. Their last lecture which was after lunch got canceled due to some sort of emergency.

Lavanya messaged Abhigyan about details, they were going to meet in campus garden and from their to a Cafe at 7 pm.

Few hours passed, Inaya and Lavanya in their room gossiping with family and other friends while Abhigyan doing painting and Rudrakash working on laptop.

It was now 6 pm, Inaya and Lavanya started getting ready. After an hour all 4 met in garden to hang out, they were going by car.

"I will drive" Rudrakash said taking keys.

All settled, girls at back while Abhigyan on passenger seat.

There was silence and again Inaya broke that by teasing Rudrakash ,"Dekha kaha tha na Inaya ne haa krwa hi di ak- I mean Rudrakash se"

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