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Announcement regarding updates in the end, do check!

"Congratulations! Have a great doctor life ahead" As soon as the Host said these words the hall echoed with whistles and clapping. Everyone cheered their success. Finally they don't have to put ms/Mr instead Dr. The tag they have waited and struggled and gonna do ahead too for a long time. The tag for which they devoted their life. The tag they always want to claim. The tag that will provide them fame, that will make their parents say proudly-Mera beta/beti Doctor hai.

(My son/daughter is a doctor)

MBBS journey is not only about struggle but happy moments too. It feels like a emotion, a family you made there. You wish to stay connected forever. You plan for your future and see the peak of success. That journey is now ending. Everything is now at the end point? Nope it's beginning for something more higher then just MBBS passed doctor. Post graduation and specialization is still left to clear and finally called as specialized doctor or I say surgeon.

They now want to clear pg exams and choose the field as per their interest.

After hugging and celebrating the most awaited day, all went back to their rooms to prepare for pg exam.

2 days passed and its farewell. In the journey many quitted, many failed, but still some survived through hardships. Some still live their life and passed, passed with good marks/ rank. A single sheet cannot decide your future but it actually does! It decide whether the thing you want you will get or not.

People in farewell presented many programs. Rudrakash, Inaya, Abhigyan, Lavanya along with 4 others performed dance in pairs. Hall echoed cheering them. They started practicing in last week and finally after lots of scoldings and banters they prepared the dance.

This 5.5 years of happiness is now ended. There wasn't ever grand celebration like they used to have of festivals and birthdays as well. Just a small party at Cafe was enough for them in the name of birthday parties. Among which mostly during December they were granted with holidays so Lavanya's birthday was celebrated at her house while Inaya was never interested neither now is in celebrating her birthday. She mockingly used to say why to celebrate the day when her all problems begin.

Days passed in them struggling and almost forgetting surrounding as they engrossed themselves in pg exam. They anyhow want to clear as if they didn't do that all these 5.5 years will go into vain. Karan and Samaira being mature and elders they took care that youngsters never get pressurized more and atleast eat on time. Samira is as their elder sister. She did pg and then started practicing not interested in specialization . She got married the last year and due to studies, all attended only her main functions and enjoyed themselves there. She live in Delhi as her boyfriend who now is her husband works is in Delhi only.

Their hardwork paid, they succeed with desire marks. They now can be the one type of surgeon they want to be.

After result got announce they did counseling and were gratefully selected in Delhi aiims. They called their parents there and went for admission along with their parents and finally chose the field they wanted except Lavanya.

She left from few marks so other options except Neurologist were open. The day when it was revealed to her she was quite disappointed with No one but herself. Others tried to console but everything went into vain.
There were present in college as for the result. As soom Karan got to know he called her while Lavanya cut the call. After receiving 18 calls and 27 messages she finally picked the 19th call. He was out to look after farmhouse and got stuck in traffic when he recieved the news of Lavanya's results.

He called and consoled her, she gained some strength and thought that on this mere thing here life won't get over. She decided to take a nap and then again begin with research.

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