Chapter 2

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"Gravity, huh? That's an unfamiliar kind of magic around these parts" remarked Perrie, tilting her head in curiosity. Dawn then gestured towards one of the displayed donuts, causing it to levitate until it floated in front of Perrie, and then she gently placed it back down.

"Quite a useful magic. Wanna switch?" Perrie joked. Dawn laughed.

"I haven't completed my training yet, but I do practice occasionally" Dawn mentioned. Meanwhile, Perrie indulged in a bite of the donut topped with white drizzles and sprinkles. She savored its deliciousness, humming in appreciation and commending her own baking talents.

"You should take a bite. This is good" Perrie offered. Dawn immediately shook her head, feeling shy at the sudden gesture of the brunette.

"Don't go shy on me now. Come on. It's not poisoned I promise" Perrie giggled as she joked. Dawn then gave up and took a bite on the donut in which Perrie is holding up at her and slightly moaned as the sweet taste engulfed her taste buds. She immediately covered her mouth and blushed. Perrie laughed at her reaction.

"I know! It's so freaking good. I could teach you baking too sometime" Perrie excitedly told her as she set down the donut on the small plate. Dawn bowed her head and thanked her.

"So, back to your magic. Why don't you join the Magic Knight's selection? You'll be a star for sure" Perrie pointed her pointer finger at Dawn.

"I've been thinking about that actually when I was training. I do want to be a magic knight. Prove to those royalty scumbags that peasants like me can actually be stronger than them. Especially to men that we woman can fight too, yknow?" Dawn answered with her hands gesturing as if she's giving a speech. Perrie leaned her head against her palms. "Ah. Young dreamer. I hope she'll follow what she truly desires"

"Oh definitely. I like how you think. You have a strong character. Thank the gods you are the first to come here in my shop and not some snobby teenager"

Dawn blinked and thanked her. "However, my mother opposes my participation. Becoming a magic knight means risking your life, and she doesn't want to lie in bed, worrying whether I'll survive tonight, tomorrow, or the day after" Dawn explained further. Perrie nodded in understanding.

"Make sense. Parents want the best for their kids, right? They also want you to stay away from danger at all costs"

"However, as an adult you can make your own decisions and with that power of yours I think you are destined to do greater things. So, think about it" Perrie added.

You are destined to do greater things

That's what she always hear when she finally got her grimoire.Everyone praised her existing power despite her status as a peasant, highlighting the stark differences between her appearance and that of her parents, leading other children to taunt her with suggestions of being adopted. The neighbors regarded her as stunning, almost as if she were a descendant of a deity, with her striking white hair and captivating green eyes standing in stark contrast to her parents' black and brown hair and brown eyes. At one point when she was young she did think that she's adopted because she looks and feels different. In her younger years, she entertained the notion of being adopted due to feeling and looking so different. However, her parents always countered this by telling her a story: an angel had kissed her when she was a baby, explaining her unique features—a tale she proudly shared with other children, who unquestioningly believed her. However, at this very moment an angel kissing her seemed far-fetched. She dismissed the idea of being adopted and instead felt grateful that fate or a higher power had placed her within a small, loving family that suited her perfectly, despite of their living status.

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