Chapter 5

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Dawn said her goodbyes to Perrie, each heading home in different directions. As Dawn walked along the streets, the market area was bustling with people shopping and enjoying street food. Eventually, she arrived home, greeted warmly by her parents who eagerly awaited to hear about her first day. Despite the warmth of being together, a lingering feeling settled in Dawn's chest

Previously content with suppressing thoughts of joining the Magic Knights Entrance Exam, Dawn found herself unable to dismiss the idea. The desire to become a magic knight resurfaced strongly, conflicting with her wish to maintain her parents' peace of mind. Observing her parents' joy and the lines etched with years of laughter and love, Dawn felt torn. She longed to preserve their happiness and carefree smiles. Yet, her own aspirations tugged at her heartstrings, presenting a difficult choice ahead.

While they eat, Dawn shared her day's events, recounting serving customers and the unexpected encounter with the Golden Dawn's captain, surprising her parents. After dinner, she took charge of washing the dishes and offered to tidy up the house, knowing her parents must be exhausted. Later, her mom and dad retired to the only bedroom in their home after freshening up.

When Dawn was certain they had fallen asleep, she retrieved a book borrowed from the library a few days ago along with her notes on the black hole spell she'd been studying. Despite her wish to spare her parents worry, she found herself seated, absorbed in scribbling notes on another piece of paper. Why was she still dedicating time to deciphering the spell's complexities if she aimed to shield her parents from concern? Then, excitement filled her veins when a smile grew on her lips.

I got it.

She neatly stashed the book and her notes beneath the aged couch, its hiding a spot known only to her. Deciding against going to the bedroom and risking waking her parents, she opted to sleep on the couch instead. As she lay down, a frown etched on her face when she felt the hardness of the wooden support in the middle of the couch. It was this very support that had kept the couch intact for so long. She let out a sigh, imagining the comfort of a proper bed, contrasting it with the reality of lying on a worn-out cushion full of holes and what barely qualified as a couch anymore.

But as she lay there, she looked up their wooden ceiling. Each wood has dark spots revealing its age. She sighed remembering Perrie's words again. Then, she imagined her engaging on missions and coming out victorious. She imagined her climbing higher in the ranks and participating in challenging missions as many trust her and her magic. Dawn also imagined the Clover kingdom where people's opinions on peasants and low class will entirely shift where all will be treated with respect. She believed that respect should be mutual and deserved, not merely for the elderly or royalty, but for those who truly earned it.

I can't wait to look at their faces if I joined the Magic Knights Entrance Exam and actually passed.

Dawn reached the bakery and discovered Perrie arranging the day's sweets. One thing she admires about the shop is its daily freshly baked treats, and she's aware of Perrie's dedication to baking. She genuinely wishes the bakery receives the acknowledgment it deserves. Prior to heading to the shop, she visited the library to return a borrowed book. The librarian inquired if she wanted to borrow another, but she declined since she'll have little to no time in training due to her having a job now.

"Morning, Perrie!" Dawn greeted upon entering.

Perrie glanced up and smiled warmly at Dawn. "Good morning, Dawn! Could you lend a hand with arranging these pastries for display?" Perrie requested, focusing intently on positioning the strawberry cake to showcase it perfectly.

"Is that today's special?" Dawn inquired, placing her bag by the door and moving closer.

"No, it's actually a new mango cake I experimented with. Turned out pretty tasty, if I do say so myself!" Perrie proudly remarked, standing back to admire the placement of the strawberry cake.

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