Chapter 8

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"Dad, I..." Dawn started, her voice cracking. She couldn't find the words to put together after what happened. All the things she imagined before telling her parents are actually much worse than this, but she still couldn't help but cry.

She's staring at the mashed potato in front of her, not feeling hungry anymore as the tears continue to flow out of her eyes. Her father is also looking at the mashed potato, and then he closed his eyes, sighing.

"I know this would happen" his thoughts echoed as he is still processing what her daughter admitted to them.

"I-I'm sorry, dad," Dawn sniffed as she wiped her tears. Her father stood up, which made Dawn sob because she thinks that her father will leave her in their dining area too and join her mother. Instead, he walked over to Evelyn's seat, which is next to Dawn, and hugged her tightly. Dawn continued to sob as she buried her face on her dad's shoulder.

"Dawn... we just care about you too much to allow you to go out there and put your life at risk, which is why we seem to be protective of you," her dad explained calmly as he rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

"I-I know that, dad." Dawn hiccuped as she pulled away, wiping her wet eyes, and looked at her dad, clearing her throat.

"But I do want to go out there and fight. Use this power given to me and become stronger. Prove to those people that us peasants can actually fight and be equal to them." Dawn added.

"And I admire that, Dawn. I really do. I, myself, am also tired of the looks that I receive from people with higher status than us. But what keeps me going is you and your mother. I am richer than any of them because I know the true definition of love, family, and contentment." her father gave her a smile. The tears from Dawn's eyes began to flow again and escaped. Her lips tugged downward as she wiped the unending tears. She felt like a child crying in front of her dad.

"The other reason we are so protective of you is because of your mother's little sister." her father grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb on her knuckles. Dawn looked at her dad's calloused hands, not saying anything, as if giving her father the chance to continue what he's saying.

"She was similar to you. She wanted to prove to those in the higher class that peasants can fight for the kingdom. She also aimed to help all the people of the Clover Kingdom and use her magic for the greater good. She may not have been as powerful as you, but she was strong. She had fire magic, by the way."

Dawn's eyes traveled upwards as she looked at her father. He was smiling, looking down, remembering the memories they had back then.

"She's also the reason why we have a house and why we're slightly nearer to the Royal Capital here in the common realm."

"What happened to her?" Dawn asked, her eyebrows meeting in confusion.

"She died in battle." Her father released a shaky breath. Dawn widened her eyes.

"We were devastated and in so much pain. Your mother was a mess and she went to the point where she couldn't eat anything for a few days." Her father recounted, shaking his head as if trying to erase that painful memory.

"Then you came into our lives. While it's true that you're not our biological child, our love for you is unwavering and unconditional. You mean everything to us, Dawn. With you around, your mother is healing, and she's smiling, experiencing genuine happiness once again.  So, when you announced to us that you want to participate, it feels like starting over again"

"I'm sorry, Dad. Truly sorry, but nothing could change my mind." Dawn admitted, her eyes shifting to the hands holding hers. Her father's grip tightened slightly. Lifting her head, she saw him smiling at her.

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