Chapter 10

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The big day is tomorrow—the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. Dawn is already feeling anxious. She assumed that her worry and anxiety would leave her once she finally told her parents about her aspirations. However, she didn't consider what might happen during the entrance exam. Reflecting on the time she rode a broom with William and not knowing what to do with it, she worries that she might mess up during the exam, especially in handling the broom properly.

"What if I stirred it wrong and ended up hurting someone? Oh, gods." her thoughts echoed through her mind as she swept the floor, cleaning the shop after the wave of a few customers left some slight dirt.

"Dawn, your mind is wandering again. Relax; you will do great tomorrow." Perrie spoke as she chose two chicken barbecue sandwiches and placed them on two plates. This sandwich was recently added to their menu, and Perrie knew that many would buy it on its first day of display, so she made a lot, and it turns out she's right. She walked over to one of the tables, sat down, and placed the two plates on the surface.

Dawn perked up as she heard Perrie. "How did you know that I was—" Dawn was about to ask but was cut off by Perrie.

"My true magic can actually read someone's mind." Perrie stated, looking at the platinum-haired girl, pulling a serious face. Dawn widened her eyes in surprise.

"Really! That's so cool—" Dawn exclaimed, genuinely impressed by what Perrie said, but was cut off by the brunette's laugh.

"And you're gullible but still cute, so I love you still." Perrie's laugh died down, but her smile never left her face.

"Perrie!" Dawn whined, to which Perrie only laughed again.

"I just know you, Dawn, and considering that tomorrow is the big day, I know you will act like this." Perrie shrugged.

"Now, finish that quickly and let's eat."

Dawn continued to sweep the floor, and as she finished, she set the broom and dustpan aside. She walked over to Perrie, who was waiting for her before eating the sandwich.

"Thank you, Perrie." Dawn said as she sat down across from her. Perrie then took the sandwich, had a bite, nodded at the savory taste, and Dawn did the same.

"Hmm! This is so good, Perrie. The chicken is so soft, and the subtle barbecue and the mayonnaise are amazing," Dawn moaned as she took a bite, already addicted to the taste.

"I will surely miss this." Dawn added, trailing off as she looked down.

"You complimented my sandwich, and now you're being sappy. It's not like we will never see each other again. As your boss, your new duty will be coming here when you have free time." Perrie pointed at the platinum-haired girl, to which her reply was a giggle.

"Of course, I will come here when I have free time, Perrie. And besides, I'm still not sure if the captains will choose me." Dawn shrugged as she took another bite.

Perrie leaned across the table, her arms stretching as she hurriedly flicked Dawn's forehead quite hard.

"May those negative thoughts be gone."

"Perrie! Stop doing that. My forehead will have a dent at this point." Dawn whined as she winced slightly, rubbing the same spot that Perrie keeps flicking.

Perrie did not reply but instead laughed. Dawn shook her head while squinting at the brunette.

"You are imagining it, aren't you?"

"I mean... if it did have a dent—" Perrie giggled, and Dawn leaned across the table as well, mimicking what Perrie did to her. Perrie gasped dramatically, holding her forehead, pretending to be shocked at what Dawn did.

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