Chapter 4

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When Dawn mentioned that she didn't expect anything significant to happen, it seemed the universe had different plans. Here stood William Vangeance, right before her. She blinked, still in disbelief.

This girl's magic seemed nearly boundless, it's overflowing. William's gaze fell upon the girl's grimoire and widened as he spotted the four-leaf clover adorning its cover. He immediately considered how this girl could be a tremendous asset to the Magic Knights. He sensed her strength. Before his thoughts could wander further, he decided to greet her.

"Good afternoon."

The girl shook her head, snapping out of her trance. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Vangeance. It's just shocking to see you here" Dawn said, bowing slightly as she stumbled over her words.

"No need to apologize, dear. I happen to return from a mission and thought I'd try a different bakery this time to buy myself a snack" William replied, offering the girl a gentle smile.

"His voice is so soothing, like a soft melody" Dawn's inner thoughts echoed.

"Oh! I hope the mission went well," Dawn smiled back, trying her best to engage in conversation. She hoped to avoid any awkwardness, aware that her own lack of social skills could easily create such an atmosphere.

"Indeed it is. Thank you, Ms. Dawn."

Dawn's eyes widened in surprise that he knew her name, but then she realized she was wearing a name tag, causing her heart to skip a beat. Her face flushed red.

"You're such an idiot, Dawn!" She scolded herself in her mind.

"Well, um... Our special for today is the chocolate cake, Sir" Dawn said, clearing her throat and motioning toward the chocolate cake covered in a rich, glistening chocolate glaze.

"Oh? Okay then. I'll take one slice, please," William signaled with his index finger. Dawn nodded. "Would that be for here or to go?"

"To go, please" William replied. Dawn acknowledged his choice and began preparing the container for the cake, grabbing a spatula to carefully scoop up the slice and place it inside. As she finished, William, the squad captain, couldn't help but admire the young woman. He had encountered many elegant and beautiful women, but Dawn's presence felt different.

Interrupting his thoughts, Dawn informed him of the price of the chocolate cake. William pulled out the exact amount and paid her.

"Thank you so much, Captain Vangeance" Dawn said, looking up at his purple eyes and offering a warm smile. He returned the smile, his gaze momentarily fixed on her captivating jade eyes. To him, she resembled a goddess and possessed a power akin to one.

"Please, call me William. And thank you, Dawn."

William continued on his journey toward the castle, where he intended to report to the Wizard King about the mission. While flying, thoughts of the young woman he had encountered occupied his mind. If he wasn't preoccupied with responsibilities, he would have liked to stay at the shop a bit longer and engage in conversation with her. Despite having just met her, he found himself curious about her. Her warm demeanor, friendly smile, and captivating eyes intrigued him; he desired to encounter her once more. Unconsciously, a faint smile adorned his lips as he entertained these thoughts.

The sun is now setting across the horizon in which it gave an orange glow inside the shop where Dawn is continuing her sketch and notes about the black hole spell trying to decipher it even further with occasional thoughts about a certain squad captain in which threatens a smile on her face in which she pressed her lips together in a straight line trying to stop it.

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