Chapter 3

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"Well, any boyfriends in the picture?" Perrie interrupted, observing the young woman as she wiped the glass holding the array of bread, cakes, and pastries on display. The question caused Dawn to blush.

"Uh, no," she replied, continuing with her task.

"Really? A stunning person like you, and no boyfriend?" Perrie reacted with surprise.

"Well, as a kid, for sure other kids had crushes on you," Perrie added. Dawn chuckled lightly, reminiscing about childhood memories when boys and girls would tease her.

"That's also a no. They used to tease me," Dawn answered, now proud of her work as she finished wiping the glass until it was crystal clear.

She had just begun her job, and although it was almost lunchtime, she didn't feel hungry. Her focus remained on her work. Typically, customers didn't frequent the establishment at this hour; they usually preferred restaurants offering meals.

"Huh? Well, usually when boys tease you, it means they like you," Perrie remarked, wiggling her eyebrows as Dawn approached her and settled at one of the small circular tables, facing her.

"I doubt that"

"Anyway, it's almost lunchtime. I've got something packed for myself, and I brought some for you too," Perrie announced, preparing to stand up. However, Dawn interrupted her, reaching out her hand.

"Oh! You don't have to, Ms. Perrie. I can eat later when I get home," Dawn insisted. Perrie crossed her arms, gazing at her.

"Dawn, I told you to just call me Perrie. You'll end up starving if you wait until you get home" Perrie reasoned.

"But—" Dawn began to explain, but Perrie hushed her, swiftly heading to the door beside the cashier. After a few minutes, she returned with a bag.

"Now, let's eat. Dawn, please, do eat plenty" Perrie urged, pulling out containers filled with food.

"Thank you so much, Perrie. I don't know how to repay you," Dawn's voice trailed off as she glanced at the food, feeling a bit shy about accepting the meal.

"You don't have to pay me back. It's my treat," Perrie waved off Dawn's concern.

"Thank you again!" Dawn expressed her gratitude with a bow.

"Tell me more about your magic. I'm genuinely intrigued" Perrie said, taking a bite of her curry and savoring the flavor. Perhaps I should open my own restaurant soon, she mused.

"Sure thing! I can control gravity as I wish. I can make things heavier or lighter," Dawn replied, enjoying a spoonful of curry and rice. She wished she could savor this meal forever.

"Do you have any spells for that?"

"Well, I have a spell named Sculptus Umbra in which it allows me to shape the earth or metal in any shape I want as well as Collapsing Sphere which is like a gravity well in which it sucks in any object I want" Dawn explained with a glint in her eyes.

"I've mainly trained by myself, mastering all the offensive spells I could. I've been considering defensive spells, but without a training partner, I've put that on hold," Dawn explained.

"Damn, girl. I'm impressed by your ability to manipulate earth, especially as an earth magic user myself" Perrie nodded, genuinely impressed by Dawn's considerable power. She marveled at Dawn's strength even with the relatively simple spells she could conjure.

"How did you go about training? Did you need specific knowledge or did you figure it out as you went along?" Perrie inquired.

"Hmm... I acquire knowledge first. Sometimes, if I'm allowed, I head to the library to read science books that explain gravity. I feel like a bit of a nerd due to my magic" Dawn chuckled.

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