Chapter 7

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A few days have passed, and Dawn is now determined taking part in the Magic Knights Entrance Exam with the aim of joining the Golden Dawn squad. However, the significant challenge lies in her reluctance to inform her parents of her decision. She remains hesitant, fearing their reaction. She is aware that they will be hurt, particularly her mother, who had previously made her promise not to participate. The only thing echoing in her mind as she prepares to disclose her decision is William's advice.

Another thing that made her anxiety grew more and more is that she only have three weeks left to prepare in participating in the entrance exam. This made her stay up almost all night trying to formulate what she will say to her parents even to Perrie. This also caused her to her to space out a few times while in the shop when there are no customers in which Perrie clearly noticed. This young woman is like a sister to Perrie already and she's quite worried on her sudden behavior.

Currently, Dawn is seated at one of the tables in the shop, gazing at the people passing by the door. It's nearly lunchtime, yet she doesn't feel hungry or tired; instead, she's restless. Perrie, seated across from her with papers spread out, observes her closely. Perrie is in the process of organizing the shop's financial report and preparing a list of various goods to be sold tomorrow. Setting down her pen, she crosses her arms, keeping her eyes fixed on the platinum-haired girl.

"Alright, spill." Perrie declared, causing Dawn to jolt and snap out of her trance.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Spill." Perrie insisted.

"Spill what?"

"What's on your mind? You are clearly spacing out."

Dawn blinked, unaware of her recent actions. She shook her head and offered a slight smile. "It's nothing. I suppose I'm just bored and daydreaming about things," Dawn lied. Perrie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You expect me to believe that? Stop lying."

Dawn sighed, finally giving up.

Might as well start with Perrie

"It's just... I talked to William before—" Dawn started, only to be cut off by Perrie's squeal, causing her to jump in shock.

"You two are dating already?! OH MY GODS! DAWN—" Perrie's voice began to get louder and higher as she fangirled.

"Perrie, no! We are not dating!" Dawn raised her voice, trying to make Perrie listen, but this made her boss pout, slightly disappointed that she and the squad captain are not dating.

"Aww, too bad. I ship you guys so hard." Perrie rested her chin on her palms and sighed with a smile, imagining the two of them being cute together. Dawn just looked at her boss and shook her head.

"He doesn't like me, Perrie, and besides, he's more focused on his duty as a Magic Knight captain." Dawn argued. Perrie stared into those emerald eyes and shook her head.

"If only she knew how that man looked at her." Perrie's thought echoed through her mind.

"Yeah, right. Now, if that's not it, then what is it?"

"I am going to join the Magic Knight Entrance Exam." Dawn breathed out as if she had been holding her breath for too long and finally released it. Perrie perked up and grinned widely as she squealed again.

"Really? Oh my gods! That's great news!" Perrie clapped. Dawn smiled as a bit of the weight on her shoulders was lifted. Now, all that was left was telling her parents.

"Well, have you told your parents?" Perrie asked, and Dawn shook her head.

"I guess that's the reason why I've been spacing out, as you said, because I don't even know how to tell them." Dawn looked down, her heart pounding in her chest as she grew nervous.

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