Chapter 60

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«You are so unbelievably stupid».

Sitting beside the bed Mu Qing had been luckily given in Paradise Manor, one hand pressing against an injury of his own, Feng Xin stared at his fellow martial god ad continued to spit out some more insults between gritted teeth before deciding it was enough.

There was no bite behind those insults, of course. Feng Xin was worried sick about Mu Qing, even if basically no one would ever believe it given their dynamics.

They weren't supposed to be there. Ghost City wasn't exactly the best place for them to run, but Feng Xin had no choice.

Thanks to a mission that had been assigned to them because of a sudden onslaught of terrified prayers assaulting both their temples, Feng Xin and Mu Qing descended from the heavens and reached the city those prayers were coming from, only to find themselves facing a terrifyingly powerful Wrath.

Technically, two martial gods in their own territory, extremely close to some of their biggest temples, shouldn't have had any problems against a ghost, not even a Wrath. Maybe some, but they were skilled warriors and used a variety of techniques that a single opponent couldn't possibly counteract.

Unless they fought a Devastation, their power was supposed to be enough to face any ghost.

But the damned bastard had one hidden ability that caught both Mu Qing and Feng Xin by surprise. It was able to drain their spiritual power just by sheer closeness.

It wouldn't have been a problem for Feng Xin, who used a bow in combat and could easily take care of the ghost by attacking from a distance, but Mu Qing fought by using a sword. And as much as his zhanmadao was long, fighting with melee weapons meant than eventually the attacker and/or the attacked would come close to each other.

When it happened, the ghost drained Mu Qing of his spiritual powers so quick that not only the god immediately entered in a state of panic – understandable, given how strict and diligent Mu Qing had always been with his cultivation – but the creature managed to struck the god and stabbed him two times in the chest.

Seeing Mu Qing falling to his knees, his sword clanking on the ground and blood dripping out of his mouth, caused Feng Xin to become reckless.

Thinking back, the martial god obviously cursed himself for not keeping his distance and shooting the ghost with his arrows; it had already been considerably weakened, and if Feng Xin used enough spiritual power with his weapons, he would have neutralized the ghost. At least for enough time to rescue Mu Qing and finish the job once the other god was safe.

But he didn't do that.

In fact, Feng Xin had been caught by panic as well, because never in his eight hundred years he ever saw Mu Qing so defenseless and defeated, and especially not in so much actual danger, and that panic caused him to throw his bow away and launch himself straight at the ghost in an attempt to push him away.

On one hand, it worked. The ghost had been surprised enough by the sudden change of tactics that Feng Xin was able to scare him away for the time being. One the other hand, the ghost didn't leave without causing more damage, stabbing his sword into Feng Xin's side and draining a huge amount of his energy before fleeing.

At that point, Feng Xin had realized that Mu Qing wasn't healing, put two and two together, and tried to immediately go back up to the Heavenly Capital to let him have some proper help. Without the majority of his spiritual energy in place, Mu Qing couldn't heal, and the injuries he sustained were definitely severe enough for him to be in desperate need of appropriate intervention.

While he was immortal, it didn't mean he didn't risk receiving long lasting damage. Attacks from a Wrath were no joke.

Feng Xin himself was terribly worried about his own injury, having been inflicted by a weapon used by that ghost, but he didn't care all that much.

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